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Issue with extruder motor  

Active Member
Issue with extruder motor

I upgraded my prusa to the MK2.5S/MMU2S level and finally got through the xyz calibration. However now I'm facing an issue with loading the filament into the extruder, the motor gear doesn't seem to turn correctly and makes the ticking noise. I played with the tension screw that holds the extruder idler but that doesn't really make a difference.

When pushing filament manually through the extruder this works fine, also IR sensor works properly.

I disassembled the extruder but nothing is blocking the gears, I also use plastic parts from Prusa (not printed by myself). And have been with Prusa support twice but couldn't solve it. So hope the community has some ideas what to check. Or is the extruder stepper just broken?

This video shows the problem:


Veröffentlicht : 07/06/2019 8:00 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Issue with extruder motor

Not a MK2.x owner, but it looks like the filament is not aligned with the gear teeth... might be the angles of the video.

Also, another person had similar problems when they assembled the gears they didn't place the main gear set screw on the motor shaft flat, and the set screw extended too high and was jamming the rotation. 

Veröffentlicht : 07/06/2019 7:05 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Issue with extruder motor


Sorry for the late response but I was on a short holiday.

No, I checked everything and alignment is ok as well as tightening the gear on the flat part of the shaft. Today I tested the "load to nozzle" without the slider door or actual filament loading and I had the same issue with the extruder motor, see also

I can turn the shaft easily when pushed manually so my conclusion was that or the extruder motor was broken, or something in the electronics. Than I just did a reflash of the firmware (was already at the lastest version) and somehow this solved the issue. Can't explain it, but I'm glad this works now. 

Let's continue with the self test and see what other issues will be encountered 🙂 

Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 6 years von Hoboken
Veröffentlicht : 12/06/2019 10:09 am
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Issue with extruder motor

So unfortunately the issue with the extruder came back during the first layer calibration (did succesfully complete the initial setup and XYZ calibration). I'm out of options and Prusa didn't respond yet to the support email I send a few days ago. I noticed that the chat option I normally see (and use) has disappeared. Is that only on my computer or has Prusa disabled that possibility and we now only have email to get n contact with support? No phone?

Veröffentlicht : 14/06/2019 8:52 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Issue with extruder motor

Chat is still there ... you need to be logged in to the e-shop.

Veröffentlicht : 14/06/2019 9:29 am