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Trusted Member

Tried my first prints this morning on my 2.5 upgrade?

I used my test square with PLA and the Z axis set to -0.500 and -0.550, see below?

The left side looked pretty good to me (-0.500), nice and even and no separation of strands
so I printed the improved filament guide on PET (which is the first time I have been
able to print on anything than PLA which was great) but it had a rough finish on the
top of the plate?

Is this the extruder being a bit low and dragging? move it up to (perhaps) -0.450?

Although having said that the nozzle clearing line on the front of the bed did not come
out for the PET print which seems to indicated the nozzle wants lowering? (it did come out
for the PLA test square)

I do also have the problem of the X axis 'rattling' against the left stop which I think means
padding the extruder arm a bit so the stop is triggered as others have done?

Any feedback welcomed!


Publié : 15/05/2018 10:05 am
Eminent Member
Re: Calibration

Hi there,

regarding your x-axis rattling: I had the same issue after switching my heatbreak recently.

For me at least it was the cable bundle of the extruder heater cartridge and the extruder thermistor I neglected to properly route under the spiral wraps base i.e. where they're fixed with the zip ties. They were basically jammed between the aluminum frame and the extruder mount when homing the x-axis, causing the x-axis motor to skip steps. I refixed them more to the underside of the spiral wrap and now everythings peachy again 🙂 thankfully nothing was damaged in the process...

I hope that helps.


Publié : 15/05/2018 2:39 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Calibration

I checked and nothing is in the way...but added a 1-2mm spacer onto the arm that trips the X axis microswitch
and this resolved the problem completely

The extruder arm is too short (just) at least for my printer - I see a few others have had the same issue, and there
is even a small 'cap' you can print and glue on the arm that someone has designed that does a tidy job of fixing the

I will pass this information on to Prusa for what it's worth!


Publié : 16/05/2018 11:05 am
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