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Bed levellling failed.....but calibration passed 🙁  

Eminent Member
Bed levellling failed.....but calibration passed 🙁


I’m trying to finish the commissioning of my 2s kit. But I have a problem which I can’t solve. It passes the self test, ive successfully run the XYZ Calibration tests several times but when I come to run the First layer calibration it does what I presume is a Z level calibration then stops with the message “Bed levelling failed. sensor didnt trigger. debris on nozzle? Waiting for reset. “

The nozzle is clean, I’m using the 1.75 mm PLA. supplied with the kit and the error is repeatable. The firmware is 3.1.0.

I’m finding the “sensor didn’t trigger” message a bit opaque, which sensor.?

Can anyone give me a clue as to how to overcome this problem? And how do I reset it?



Napsal : 30/05/2018 8:12 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Bed levellling failed.....but calibration passed 🙁

The sensor in question is the PINDA inductive sensor which is supposed to detect the bed. I don't know the best troubleshooting but the first thing to try is lowering the sensor in its mount. (But it must stay higher than the nozzle!)

Napsal : 02/06/2018 11:23 pm