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Nozzle stuck, can't swap.  

Active Member
Nozzle stuck, can't swap.

Yeah, so ... after printing happily for quite a while with my 0.6 factory nozzle, I figured I'd give a 0.4 a chance, since swapping nozzles was supposed to be easy.

Not so much. Loosening the nozzle was ok, but I can't seem to remove it. It feels like there's a part of the tube inside that is wider than some of its surrounding. I can wiggle it, but can't pull it out. 

Is there a way to salvage the situation? Do I have to take apart the extruder, and to which degree? Is there a manual for this kind of procedure? Will I need to order replacement parts, because some might be irreparably stuck?

I talked (text chat) to support a few months ago, and basically arrived at "you have to disassemble it". I'm not sure if all of the procedures were online back then, but looking at it now, I guess this seems to be the most fitting?  

Will I need to order a replacement heatsink? 

To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed that this was the first major issue with the XL, because in addition to the increased size, the Nextruder was a big factor of wanting to upgrade. Having it fail like this is unfortunate.


Veröffentlicht : 21/10/2024 10:32 am