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Single to Multi Toolhead kit  

Charles Johnston
Single to Multi Toolhead kit

I just got my XL single tool head and so far I'm loving this machine; not as fast as my Voron 2.4 350 but being able to just hit print, walk away, and have a great first layer without minimal setup by me was amazing. What really interested me was the multi-tool head but didn't want to spend that kind of money out of the gate. Anyone know if Prusa has any plans to release a kit to add the tool changer and additional tool heads?

Publié : 23/10/2023 1:02 pm
Charles Johnston
Topic starter answered:
RE: Single to Multi Toolhead kit

Should have looked around the forum; similar questions have been asked. 

Publié : 23/10/2023 1:25 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Single to Multi Toolhead kit

early 2024, I believe, as per blog post.

Publié : 02/11/2023 6:44 am
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