RE: Prusa XL Order Tracking List
I might only use one or two extruders most prints, but I plan to load them up with the most common filaments (PLA, PET, PVA etc) in the normal situation, allowing me to switch type of print without fiddling with the printer. That's how I use the MMU2 now.
RE: Prusa XL Order Tracking List
My lack of use of the the MMU2s is more an indictment of its speed and capabilities, but with a 6 head set up, I could see two set ups.
One based on colors- RYGBBlackWhite
Another based on performance
Infill @0.8mm
PETG White
PETG Black/Fiber filled
PETG Clear
Support material
But it all really depends on the speed and the issues with swapping.
I will get 5 or 6, but to be honest, I am not sure how much most of us will use the 2-6 extruders. I have a printer with 2 extruders and the second one is used about 5-10% of the time. I will definitely have to think about how it fits in my workflow.
I’m surprised about the number of people that are ordering the XL with one extruder. I know we can change it, but if a lot of these orders get upped, I could see where that would cause an issue with fulfillment if a lot of those orders get bumper to 5 (or now 6). I hope they do some balancing there on people adding extruders.