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Prusa Delays  

Stránka 18 / 32
Reputable Member

Hi Shane.. I wonder if some of the web calculations for shipping are accurate, which might be hurting some sales.. If I order an MK3+ with enclosure.. the shipping cost is $252 (if I want in 2 days).. If I order 2 units of this, (I'm looking for a College order) the shipping is $971.. doesn't make sense.. If I choose DHL it is $265/$696 and 6 day Fedex is closer at $223/$565.   2 units shipped together should be less than two individual orders shipped separately.. You can check.. I have screen shots.. Ship to B5A5A4, Nova Scotia Canada. These are all US prices so in CDN dollars the difference is much more.. So the Fedex 2-3 days shipping cost in Cdn dollars is about $1300, which is nearly what a competitor is pricing for their entire printer & shipping. 

There are no Prusa MK3+ listed on our Canadian amazon site that I can find.

Posted by: @same-old-shane

which lets be frank, Prusas shipping prices are borderline obscene for most of the world

Just to be a bit fair, we don't set the shipping prices. We work with various shipping companies to get fixed rates and we periodically visit them to work on getting the best rates. The hard fact is that the printers are shipped via international air freight and it is expensive, but those costs for it is out of our hands. 

We also do sell on amazon where you can buy a printer on their services, so that could also be an option and use prime for free shipping as well. 


Napsal : 09/02/2023 12:57 pm
Reputable Member

You know, the delays are not an enjoyment. Believe me, we would love to have it out already, BUT that is a bit of a small silver lining for the consumer, they have more time to save up for it like you said. 

I'm a scientist. Staying positive in the face of crushing disaster kinda comes with the job, if you manage to hang on long enough. No hard feelings on my end - if you put out a good product I'll buy it. With extra bucks for goodies!

Napsal : 09/02/2023 1:07 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa Delays

If I choose DHL it is $265/$696 and 6 day Fedex is closer at $223/$565.

Have you tried putting 20 printers in the basket (anything big enough to require a palette)? That's the magic trick over here, Fedex rates for cargo are way better. If that works in Canada, you can bulk order. I just checked, for me 10+ printers bring down the freight charge per printer to 25USD (and I would pay their ridiculous customs handling charge only once).

Napsal : 09/02/2023 2:00 pm
E For Extrude se líbí
Same Old Shane
Member Admin
RE: Prusa Delays

We had to explore different supply chain options as we would find one place and ready to work with them, only to have some issues pop up, and as mentioned before we had to have supply brokers to help us get parts from other places that would meet our requirements and at times that can turn into a bidding war as its a sellers market right now and they can set the prices as they want. 

As far as the shipping order, it's not as easy, either way there is no way to make everyone happy on this. For example, you might be fine with getting your printer, then wait to get the tool changer and install it yourself, but other people could be mad that they paid for it to be assembled on the unit and it wont be. 

For the comments about something to make up for the wait, the best I can do is pass along your suggestions up the food chain. 

Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Napsal : 09/02/2023 2:01 pm
Same Old Shane
Member Admin
RE: Prusa Delays

Hi Shane.. I wonder if some of the web calculations for shipping are accurate, which might be hurting some sales.. If I order an MK3+ with enclosure.. the shipping cost is $252 (if I want in 2 days).. If I order 2 units of this, (I'm looking for a College order) the shipping is $971.. doesn't make sense.. If I choose DHL it is $265/$696 and 6 day Fedex is closer at $223/$565.   2 units shipped together should be less than two individual orders shipped separately.. You can check.. I have screen shots.. Ship to B5A5A4, Nova Scotia Canada. These are all US prices so in CDN dollars the difference is much more.. So the Fedex 2-3 days shipping cost in Cdn dollars is about $1300, which is nearly what a competitor is pricing for their entire printer & shipping. 

There are no Prusa MK3+ listed on our Canadian amazon site that I can find.

Normally the shipping prices come directly from the delivery companies. I can forward your message to the shipping department, but it would be helpful if you emailed and send them the same info as that will then go to shipping as well and entered into the system to be worked on. 

Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Napsal : 09/02/2023 2:03 pm
Active Member

In the last update of XL, Josef said that the payments would start soon and you could see your number in the queue but he also said that they will start sending the payment messages when the printers are ready to send to each client, not before, we could know something else?

This post was modified před 2 years 2 times by juanjo.c
Napsal : 09/02/2023 2:18 pm
Same Old Shane
Member Admin
RE: Prusa Delays


Posted by: @juanjo-c

In the last update of XL, Josef said that the payments would start soon and you could see your number in the queue but he also said that they will start sending the payment messages when the printers are ready to send to each client, not before, we could know something else?

It's currently 16:30 in Prague, it is sunny but cold. It is 3c / 38f outside and sunset will be in about an hour or so. I recently finished watching Chainsaw man anime, and I love sushi.... Not sure if that answers your question, but now you know something else 🙂 

BUT to be fair, any updates about the XL is going to come from Josef himself. I stay far away from that stuff because its not my department nor my place to say anything. If I was to guess or speculate, (which I am not even about to entertain) and end up being wrong (which I am always wrong), it would cause so many problems. When it comes to release dates, prices or anything similar, I purposely have it so I know the same amount of information as you guys do. 

Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Napsal : 09/02/2023 3:29 pm
Honorable Member

Shane- thanks for the conversation and background.  I worked with an old sales guy who would always hit his projections and metrics- and he did it by always having done them BEFORE he announced that he was going to do it.  We all like “Moon-shots” by the end of the decade, but take a page from ‘Norm’ and talk about things that have already happened rather than what you hope will happen.  A lot less fun, but a lot less stressful.

On shipping, I just did this for a Mini Assembled here to the US.

Did Carb opt for the optional Cocaine-style delivery?


I thought Prusa was partnering with someone in the US to help with logistics?  

This post was modified před 2 years by MileHigh3Der
Napsal : 09/02/2023 4:38 pm
R&D se líbí
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Delays

What is the weight of the Prusa Mini package? I can check the regular post.

Posted by: @milehigh3der

Shane- thanks for the conversation and background.  I worked with an old sales guy who would always hit his projections and metrics- and he did it by always having done them BEFORE he announced that he was going to do it.  We all like “Moon-shots” by the end of the decade, but take a page from ‘Norm’ and talk about things that have already happened rather than what you hope will happen.  A lot less fun, but a lot less stressful.

On shipping, I just did this for a Mini Assembled here to the US.

Did Carb opt for the optional Cocaine-style delivery?


I thought Prusa was partnering with someone in the US to help with logistics?  


Napsal : 09/02/2023 4:41 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa Delays

jajajaj i was trying my luck but I think it's a good anime, not so much the cold

Napsal : 09/02/2023 5:20 pm
Same Old Shane
Member Admin
RE: Prusa Delays

Im affraid for the XL, whatever metrics we had set for the release, they were launched over the moon and destroyed. The demand for the XL was far much more than what was anticipated. Then add in all the things that has happen since then, and afraid to say, we are right where we are. We have also learned from the past 3 years and have made changes. With our new products we have multiple sources for parts and if you look with some of our current products, in the instructions you will see that they have instructions for the same part, same function but from different suppliers. Other steps have also been taken, but I purposely stay far far away from knowing about them as I am happy being the low man on the totem pole 🙂 

Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Napsal : 13/02/2023 1:09 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa Delays

I find your post really entertaining!  🙂

However, I've eaten my fingernails over this XL saga. Hope my MK3 continues with it's reliable service until the XL is delivered. I am really taking to bank that XL will not be a failure... 

When and if you see Mr. Prusa, please let him know that Toyota took 17 years to release MK5 Supra... 😀  

Posted by: @same-old-shane


Posted by: @juanjo-c

In the last update of XL, Josef said that the payments would start soon and you could see your number in the queue but he also said that they will start sending the payment messages when the printers are ready to send to each client, not before, we could know something else?

It's currently 16:30 in Prague, it is sunny but cold. It is 3c / 38f outside and sunset will be in about an hour or so. I recently finished watching Chainsaw man anime, and I love sushi.... Not sure if that answers your question, but now you know something else 🙂 

BUT to be fair, any updates about the XL is going to come from Josef himself. I stay far away from that stuff because its not my department nor my place to say anything. If I was to guess or speculate, (which I am not even about to entertain) and end up being wrong (which I am always wrong), it would cause so many problems. When it comes to release dates, prices or anything similar, I purposely have it so I know the same amount of information as you guys do. 


Napsal : 13/02/2023 11:40 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa Delays

Today I saw one of XL beta units in person.  At first I didn’t know the place I went to was a XL beta tester.  I couldn’t take any pictures due to the NDA which is understandable.  

I was impressed by the prints the XL made.  It was running a 0.6 single head.  Most of the prints were large models such as helmets and vases.  The quality was a huge improvement compared to what was shown at ERRF, which I attended as well.  

The XL wasn’t printing at the moment I was there, so I can’t comment on speed.  The beta tester also had a Voron 2.4 350mm.  It would be great to see them go head to head.  I’ve been on a number of forums and groups who where people are trashing the XL.  After seeing the results in person, I think a lot of the premature criticism is over blown.   I do have a BL printer and it has been great.  It’s got some issues, but I was willing to take a chance.  I have faith that the XL will be worth the wait.  Prusa may be late to the party, but the party isn’t over.

Hopefully this beta tester will have a 5-head unit in the future so I can what improvements have been made in recent months.


Napsal : 16/02/2023 3:30 am
toadhall, ntdesign, BIG Z a 1 lidem se líbí
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa Delays

"head to head" sounds like a medieval knight fight

Napsal : 16/02/2023 6:58 am
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa Delays

Would be cool to know when we get the omnious "E-Mail". 
When he said the first Units will be shipped in March ... should we expect the Email in this month due to the prework of it imo.... 
Again i would like to see more transparency from the process... 
just my 2 Euros :> 

Napsal : 16/02/2023 7:11 am
BIG Z se líbí
Active Member
RE: Prusa Delays

We like medieval fights, don't we? 🙂 

Napsal : 16/02/2023 7:12 am
Active Member
RE: Prusa Delays

Can I just say I’m new here and it’s refreshing to have civilised conversation without it turning into a fight. Really looking forward to spending more time here especially after I get hold of a unicorn XL!! 

Thanks everyone!!!

Napsal : 16/02/2023 8:22 am
Noble Member
RE: Prusa Delays


Posted by: @ntdesign

You know, the delays are not an enjoyment. Believe me, we would love to have it out already, BUT that is a bit of a small silver lining for the consumer, they have more time to save up for it like you said. 

I'm a scientist. Staying positive in the face of crushing disaster kinda comes with the job, if you manage to hang on long enough. No hard feelings on my end - if you put out a good product I'll buy it. With extra bucks for goodies!

They better not cut down on the goodies. Given that for the Mini you get mini gummi bears, for the XL you should get one of the XL gummi bear boxes 😉

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Napsal : 16/02/2023 11:21 am
BIG Z se líbí
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa Delays

Don't give them ideas. Since there are no big Haribo gummi bears, PR might prioritize building an assembly line to make their own, thereby delaying the XL even longer 🤪 

Napsal : 16/02/2023 12:36 pm
Thejiral a StuartB se líbí
Active Member
RE: Prusa Delays


Posted by: @christophercuk

Can I just say I’m new here and it’s refreshing to have civilised conversation without it turning into a fight. Really looking forward to spending more time here especially after I get hold of a unicorn XL!! 

Thanks everyone!!!

We are just trying to comfort one and other until shipping starts.

Napsal : 16/02/2023 12:56 pm
Stránka 18 / 32