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Original Prusa XL is out!  

Strona 9 / 9
Active Member
RE: Original Prusa XL is out!

I’m tempted to pre order, but I do see further delays with a 4th quarter release highly possible.

‘it’s just how things are at the moment, and new product launch’s are prone to unforeseen issues.

but I’m looking forwards to seeing it released, once the initial teething bugs are sorted I’ll mostly likely put a order in late 2023, or wait for the XL’s after it’s been refined a little more after it’s launch as the public always finds areas that can be improved.

I always tend to wait until the 2nd gen is released with most products, as most issues are resolved by then

But There isn’t much not to like with the current preorder, the bed size, the multiple extruders, and I’m looking forwards to seeing some reviews

Opublikowany : 08/03/2022 9:41 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Original Prusa XL is out!

Like you, im also holding out, having been burned a lot of times because I can't wait and be one of the early adapters.

But one thing came into my mind.  With how things are going, i.e chip shortage and now the Russian invasion, wouldn't this affect the XL pricing? What are the chances of Prusa raising the XL price? Whereas if i order now, i would have pricing locked in to the initial Prusa pricing?

Opublikowany : 08/03/2022 9:59 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Original Prusa XL is out!

I think even if you jump in the preorder queue right now, you'll be several months behind the first deliveries and have tons of reviews and information available to you. Plus, refundable deposit in case you change your mind.

Re: pricing changes -- it's always up for debate of course. If prices on components increase enough, there's no way that can't impact the price we pay for the final product. Whether or not Prusa honors preorder pricing or not would be up to them. Look at what just happened to Rivian when they tried to increase pricing as an example, though.
My personal bet is they'd honor existing preorder prices, but increase prices for new preorders or later production orders (if they're going to increase prices at all).

Opublikowany : 08/03/2022 10:33 pm
Bryn23 polubić
Active Member
RE: Original Prusa XL is out!


Posted by: @bapski

Like you, im also holding out, having been burned a lot of times because I can't wait and be one of the early adapters.

But one thing came into my mind.  With how things are going, i.e chip shortage and now the Russian invasion, wouldn't this affect the XL pricing? What are the chances of Prusa raising the XL price? Whereas if i order now, i would have pricing locked in to the initial Prusa pricing?

Look anything is possible at the moment, I can see inflation increasing the price of the XL in 23, but I’m just speculating.

As for locked in pricing, it may change, as far as I know the accessories haven’t been publicly released, they may increase the margins on them to recover any shortfall from rising costs on the XL.

I’ve been early adopters and been burnt before, but prusa have produced upgrade kits for the MK3 series, so I’m imagine that this will also be the case, that’s why I’m tempted , as any issues can be resolved later, but I personally will still will be waiting until next year to make my decision.



Opublikowany : 08/03/2022 10:46 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Original Prusa XL is out!

On the inflation, they have, will have had, our deposits for about a year, so there is that.  It isn't like this was a low price point and I have to think that there is some wiggle in there, but if they came back and it was a couple hundred higher?  I don't remember how binding the legalesse was with deposit.

On first gen and revisions, that is why I ordered the un-assembled.  It always seems easier to tear something down and put it back together when you've at least built it once.  With an MMU, it seems like I've built and rebuilt the extruder module three times?

Opublikowany : 09/03/2022 12:09 am
RE: Original Prusa XL is out!

Either way, I am sure we will get our printers.  I do not think they will increase prices.  They have not done it in the past.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 09/03/2022 12:14 am
Selta polubić
Active Member
RE: Original Prusa XL is out!

Hopefully they don't increase the prices on the preorders, it wouldn't worry me is it was an extra $100 more for the non pre order release models due to the current climate.

But by then, they will have a better production output after discovering and reducing production bottlenecks in the pre order manufacturing stage, which may result in the same pricing.

Who really knows regarding pricing, it's just speculation, i'm just excited that we are seeing the XL and fingers crossed it'll be in your hands before the year is out.

Opublikowany : 09/03/2022 12:22 am
RE: Original Prusa XL is out!

I also hope they do not increase prices.  I would pay $100-300 more if needed, but I do not want to read all the bellyaching on the forum.  


Posted by: @bryn23

Hopefully they don't increase the prices on the preorders, it wouldn't worry me is it was an extra $100 more for the non pre order release models due to the current climate.

But by then, they will have a better production output after discovering and reducing production bottlenecks in the pre order manufacturing stage, which may result in the same pricing.

Who really knows regarding pricing, it's just speculation, i'm just excited that we are seeing the XL and fingers crossed it'll be in your hands before the year is out.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 09/03/2022 11:29 am
Perry C, Erik i Selta polubić

Nobody every raises prices on pre-orders. So I wouldn't even worry about that. It's never happened on any of the other releases.
They would eat any costs on the initial shipments before they would do anything like that. I am sure they baked some overage into the actual price anyway. I just want to know how long we have till initial shipments for people that pre-ordered the first week/month of the release. 

This post was modified 3 years temu by Deneteus
Opublikowany : 19/03/2022 10:36 pm
New Member
RE: Original Prusa XL is out!

Will you be building any type of enclosure for the filament, drybox, heated box, dry chamber or heated chamber?

Opublikowany : 22/03/2022 9:28 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Original Prusa XL is out!

Why using this title: “xl is out” wwhen it is ‘t?

that’s clickbait for me 🙁

having a deja-vu. Had to wait much longer as predicted for the mk3 as there were problems with the powdered bed.

This seems to become the same. Pity there aren’t much news or updates. Big chance it’s all due to coronarelated global it-industry-problems… so understandable.

but that does ‘t make it fun.

Opublikowany : 18/08/2022 11:27 pm
hoonu polubić
Estimable Member
RE: Original Prusa XL is out!


Opublikowany : 18/08/2022 11:31 pm
Strona 9 / 9