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Automatic first layer calibration / bed probing  

Automatic first layer calibration / bed probing

Hey everyone,

I saw the announcement of the XL, pre-ordered and then went my ways.

But now I got thinking:
How well will the automatic first layer calibration actually work? I get that it works when the nozzle perfectly clean but what if it's not?
And what would be the sequence before printing?

  1. Select Toolhead
  2. Heat up printbed
  3. Probe
  4. Only then heat up toolhead to avoid dripping filament

But then your probing might be off as the nozzle was not heated when probing. Can you even probe the bed by touching it with the nozzle when the nozzle is already at 250°C or something? Wouldn't that damage the print bed?

Any ideas on how that would be solved?

Publié : 27/12/2021 1:37 am
Eminent Member
Posted by: @xander1

But then your probing might be off as the nozzle was not heated when probing. Can you even probe the bed by touching it with the nozzle when the nozzle is already at 250°C or something? Wouldn't that damage the print bed?

Any ideas on how that would be solved?

It was covered in the 'Live' video

They mention there that they do not need to probe the bed with the nozzle at full temperature, it can be done at much less than the working temperature and then the nozzle heats quickly to working temperature afterwards.

Publié : 28/12/2021 11:38 am
Modérateur Moderator
RE: Automatic first layer calibration / bed probing

The load cell system can tell whether it's the bare nozzle touching the bed or fragments of old filament stuck on it.  So no worries there.

They mention that the tool head only needs to be calibrated once after any physical change, after that it stays calibrated.

Publié : 28/12/2021 5:16 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Automatic first layer calibration / bed probing
Posted by: @3delight

They mention that the tool head only needs to be calibrated once after any physical change, after that it stays calibrated.

That is for the tool alignment though rather than the first layer calibration.

I did think that the comment about being able to have even 500x500 calibration for the first layer and, in theory at least, 3D scanning was amusing.

Publié : 28/12/2021 5:58 pm
Modérateur Moderator
RE: Automatic first layer calibration / bed probing

They said that you don't have to calibrate before each print.

They also said that if you were printing something small like a little benchy it can just calibrate that bit of the bed.


Publié : 28/12/2021 6:21 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Automatic first layer calibration / bed probing
Posted by: @3delight

They said that you don't have to calibrate before each print.

That was in reference to the tool offset calibration though.

You are still going to want to do a matrix calibration of the print area before each print, but as you say, it doesn't have to be the entire print bed.

Publié : 28/12/2021 8:51 pm
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