Printed objects incorrect size
I printed a calibration cube that is 20 mm on each edge. Printed cube was 19.95 mm in X axis and 19.9 mm in Y and Z axis.
I need to dial-in a correction scaling factor for each axis. The "Object Manipulation" in Prusa Slicer will let me put in a scaling factor but it is the same for all 3 axes.
Also, I have multiple printers so this scaling factor is for this printer only.
How do I do that? I don't see anything in the printer GUI to scale axes (firmware 6.0.0+14794). I don't see anything in PrusaSlicer (PrusaSlicer-2.8.1+win64-202409181359) to do that.
Printer is Prusa XL single tool.
The default extrusion width with a 0.6mm nozzle is 0.65m, with 0.4mm it's 0.45mm.
Your basic unit of accuracy is half of an extrusion width so your 0.05 mm discrepency is well within limits. In practice, with careful calculation and calibration in CAD you can get close to 0.1mm but if you need greater accuracy the answer is the same as any high precision manufacture - print the blank slightly oversize and machine to fit.
Prusa Slicer will let me put in a scaling factor but it is the same for all 3 axes
Unlock on the left.
Thanks @foxrun3d, I should have done that.
RE: Printed objects incorrect size
Now, don't I feel stupid! 🤣