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Layer shifting  

Protogen 3D
Layer shifting

Why is my print layer shifting?

We print two of these trays at a time, the pictures are of both, one has significant layer shifting, but only at a specific Z height and this is happening every print. We have tightened the belts, re-calibrated settings, replaced nozzle but this is still happening.

We have another XL with 2 toolheads which has no problems printing the same file.

Our next step is to re-slice with one at a time with different support settings, however is there anything else that might be causing this issue?

Single Toolhead, PLA 3KG reel, 0.6mm nozzle, smooth sheet, organic supports. Any info needed just ask.

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This topic was modified 5 months ago by Protogen 3D
Posted : 09/09/2024 7:03 am