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First layer issues  

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First layer issues

It looks the nozzle is too high, I cant get good print, the lines have spaces between them, and easily to move, this is a petg print.

Any suggestion?

Failed first layer

Napsal : 13/08/2023 7:14 pm
Noble Member
RE: First layer issues

Let the print do 2 or  layers then remove it from bed and show photos 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Napsal : 13/08/2023 7:58 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First layer issues

Update: Complete first layer (sorry read your message later) - it looks the bottom of print is ok (closest to the front of printer), while the back is very high - the print started at 2cm Y axis to 9cm Y axis.

Posted by: @hello

Let the print do 2 or  layers then remove it from bed and show photos 


Napsal : 13/08/2023 8:15 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First layer issues

Update 2 - the issues above were on Textured plate.
I am doing test print on Satin plate now, it looks much better!

Napsal : 13/08/2023 8:16 pm
Famed Member
RE: First layer issues

I haven't had any issues with the textured sheet and PETG on my XL, but on the Mk4 I need to manually lower live Z by -0.06 to get good adhesion.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Napsal : 13/08/2023 9:27 pm
RE: First layer issues

I have had the same issue with the back of my textures sheet.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 13/08/2023 10:05 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First layer issues

Update 3: No matter what I did (cleaned plate, nozzle, recalibrated nozzle hall senzor) - the issues persists.

I contacted prusa support, send them 3mf file to check it out, looks like file is in order (no issues), they promised to do a test print in case something is wrong there.
I was asked (by support) to hold control button and lower the Z - I will try it, however for me it is not an solution - as I would need to do this before each print on textured plate - and we all know that promise was not to play with Z anymore. As a temporary solution - it is ok, however it needs to be solved permanently.
I will also play with the temperature (increase bed +5degrees to 90/95 respectively, and the nozzle +5 235/245 respectively), will know the result.

Satin plate seems to work bit better - again - not the same as on the mk4 where I got excellent result no matter which plate. I believe hall senzor may have issues with the Textured plate on XL.


Napsal : 14/08/2023 5:54 am
Eminent Member
RE: First layer issues

Post a video of the nozzle cleaning and the first points of the bed leveling. I had to remove the Z caps to get mine to pass nozzle cleaning, this was suggested by customer service. I redesign the caps to allow 1mm of travel. My bed could not travel high enough to touch the nozzle during nozzle cleaning.

Napsal : 15/08/2023 8:43 pm
RE: First layer issues

I am also having terrible first layer issues with PETG and the Textured sheet.  I have to live z adjust down every print by at least .1 otherwise I get stringy spaghetti just printing a single layer and pulling it off the bed.  

Napsal : 16/08/2023 6:28 pm
RE: First layer issues

I have gotten some better results after doing another offset calibration.  It's not perfect but better than what I've been getting.  It would be nice to provide an adjustment to this offset after some first layer calibrations.

Napsal : 18/08/2023 10:04 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First layer issues

Can you share the new caps design please? so I can try them myself? My nozzle cleans up at the small outside part of the plate, but still looks somewhat messy, I have no solution for prefect layers yet, so I want to try anything what may help.

Posted by: @racenviper

Post a video of the nozzle cleaning and the first points of the bed leveling. I had to remove the Z caps to get mine to pass nozzle cleaning, this was suggested by customer service. I redesign the caps to allow 1mm of travel. My bed could not travel high enough to touch the nozzle during nozzle cleaning.


Napsal : 19/08/2023 7:34 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First layer issues

Unfortunately I was not able to solve the problem, even the 3D lac does not help, the layer is just too high. 

Napsal : 19/08/2023 7:36 am
RE: First layer issues

I am having similar issues in some regions of my textured sheet, also.  Satin works fine.  It makes zero sense.  

Posted by: @martind

Unfortunately I was not able to solve the problem, even the 3D lac does not help, the layer is just too high. 


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 19/08/2023 12:47 pm
Eminent Member
RE: First layer issues

Napsal : 19/08/2023 6:39 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First layer issues

Got the caps, will change them till tomorrow and paste results tomorrow here in thread. Thanks for sharing!

Posted by: @racenviper

Post a video of the nozzle cleaning and the first points of the bed leveling. I had to remove the Z caps to get mine to pass nozzle cleaning, this was suggested by customer service. I redesign the caps to allow 1mm of travel. My bed could not travel high enough to touch the nozzle during nozzle cleaning.


Napsal : 19/08/2023 6:43 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First layer issues

installed caps from @racenviper

From looking at the first layer - caps works! However wait until I finish the prints and do more tests.
From what I see, there are screws which are holding the bed on the Z holder construction - these screws are about 1 mm above the surface of the Z holder, these collides with the Z axis bearing housing, and wont allow to fully raise the bed. therefore there is a larger gap between nozzle and the plate. Just wondering how this could be missed by Prusa engineers.

Napsal : 20/08/2023 6:24 am
Active Member
RE: First layer issues

Given this problem seems to be a combination of defects (bed not high enough and either sensor or software not working), i really hope prusa is investigating this further.

Napsal : 20/08/2023 9:07 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First layer issues

After few tests:

The new cap helped a bit, but not completely (could be also the subjective feeling from my point of view), issue still persist - 1st layer on textured sheet on XL is not consistent - not as promised by Prusa, satin sheet - works better, but there are issues also (not as big as on textured sheet).


Napsal : 20/08/2023 10:12 am
Eminent Member
RE: First layer issues

remove the caps and try the first layer again

Napsal : 21/08/2023 12:42 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First layer issues

Got it, now the 1st layer looks great! Will do some more test at whole plate, but my original print 1st layer looks excellent

Posted by: @racenviper

remove the caps and try the first layer again


Napsal : 21/08/2023 7:39 am
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