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Filament Sensor Calibration Fail  

Active Member
Filament Sensor Calibration Fail

Prior to yesterday printer had been working correctly.  Left cold for a few weeks, then started new projects after updating to firmware 4.7.2.

Print made it through about 25 layers, then filament sensor tripped.  Unload, reload, filament sensor tripped as soon the printer unparked.  Tried several times, no success.

Canceled print, attempted to recalibrate filament sensor.  Filament sensor now fails to calibrate.  Side sensor detects filament (off to on), tool sensor detects filament (off to on).  When I press the button to run the calibration after filament is in place, test instantly fails, flashes through a screen too fast to see, final message is "Test Failed" with the side sensor reading DIS and the tool sensor reading ON.

Troubleshooting I have tried: Opening the tool head to reseat the cables on the board, factory resetting the printer and running a full calibration, rolling back firmware from 4.7.2 to 4.7.0, heating up the extruder prior to calibration.

Any potential input?  XL is bricked for all intended use cases without a filament sensor.

Opublikowany : 26/09/2023 5:44 pm
Noble Member
RE: Filament Sensor Calibration Fail

Make sure the love board cable that transfers the data to and from the main board is firmly in place both ends 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Opublikowany : 26/09/2023 7:16 pm