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Filament broken inside the PTFE  

Filament broken inside the PTFE

The filament broke inside the PTFE tube. What is the best thing to do.

I pulled out the PTFE at both ends and tried to insert another filament to push the broken filament. I was able to get a few inches out, but not all of it, the filament broke again.

There is still about 50cm of filament stuck, probably in several pieces. If I push with a filament nothing comes out from the extruder side and if I insert the filament on the extruder side, the broken filament blocks the insertion.

Apart from changing the PTFE as if I had a common Ender3, what can I do? Which PTFE should I buy? Disassemble the head to avoid the PTFE to be bent? Any other solution?

Posted : 15/05/2023 9:15 pm
Member Moderator
RE: Filament broken inside the PTFE

i think you already did, but detach the ptfe from the festo fittings, then try and try again to push (towards the extruder). Try using a stronger filament to push or a wire (like a straightned crutch with blunt tip) .

I have this issue with a esun/sunlu crappy pla filament that constantly break when i leave it for one day or two inside the tube.

I'm not an expert. Ma parlo anche italiano 😉

Posted : 16/06/2023 9:37 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: Filament broken inside the PTFE

Thank you Antonio. I did it but nothing helped. Finally, Prusa has sent new PTFE and now everything is OK. 😎 

Incredible but true I never could extract the blocked filament. Remaining filament and pool is in my trash. 🤐 

Posted : 16/06/2023 4:49 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Filament broken inside the PTFE

Have you contacted the people you bought the filament from. I bought some filament from MaterHackers last year. It stuck in the PTFE tube for my Creality. I sent them pictures of the problem and after a weeks negations they sent me  a new spool of filament. 

Posted : 21/06/2023 3:05 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: Filament broken inside the PTFE

Hi Henry, It's a shining filament bought 2 years ago from Hello3D. Difficult to say if the problem comes from my storage or the making, even I unsealed the roll only one week before.

Posted : 21/06/2023 11:02 am
RE: Filament broken inside the PTFE

I had the same issue, could not push it out. Unhook the tube, and coil it into approximately the same diameter as the filament on the spool. I held it in that position with a small clamp. Once coiled into that diameter, I was able to push the broken filament out easily.

Posted : 20/06/2024 1:23 am