TMC2130 drivers for Megatronics V2.0
I have found the following details on using TMC2130 drivers but they are not specifically for the Megatronics V2.0 board..
1. Reprap World for Megatronics V3 here
2. Instructables Workshop for Upgrading RAMPS 1.4 With TMC2130 Stepper Drivers here
Can anyone assist with or has modified Megatronics V2.0 with TMC 2130 drivers or point me in the right direction.
RE: TMC2130 drivers for Megatronics V2.0
Hello, I just got my Megatronics V2.0 with TMC 2130 drivers working in SPI mode.
For SPI mode use the ICPS header / and in Marlin add to pins_MEGATRONICS_2.h
#define X_CS_PIN 2
#define Y_CS_PIN 3
#define Z_CS_PIN 16
When you use the Digital IO Header for CS.
The rest is just the same Marlin configurations as any Tutorial/YouTube.
Good luck