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Error with print height / Z troubleshooting  

New Member
Error with print height / Z troubleshooting

Hello everyone, I have a problem with my prints height .. 

I have a Prusa i3 from 2014 (one of the first generations) which seems correctly calibrated after checking my Marlin parameters, and by maneuvering it with Pronterface and calculating my steps / mm in the config, I can see that the distances are ok (if I travel 5cm in Z, I have 5cm, same with 8cm or even 1cm, etc). But after printing a simple test cube of 25x25x25mm, I get 25mm wide and long, but only 20mm high.

However, it is indeed a cube according to Prusa Slicer.

What am I missing? how can I fix this? Help please!

Here are my actual parameters in Marlin and those match with the calculator:


Publié : 06/05/2020 2:00 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Error with print height / Z troubleshooting

Hello again everyone, I tried to reach Prusa's customer service, and they weren't of any use (they didn't consider my printer since it's supposedly not an "Original Prusa i3" - which I refute strongly because i bought it when there was no Original Prusa I3 kit made by Prusa itself at that time.. only DIY Kits.. (but here is not the debate). I really need your help to be able to print things on a correct scale.. 

 I've checked prints I made back then in 2014, and I already had the problem, but didn't notice it until this year 2020 (yeah, I know, how can I miss such a thing.. but hey, here I am)

I've sliced my print with Prusa Slicer and did the same with Simplify3D, the result was identical, and I still missed that 5mm height ... here are some pictures to illustrate my point.

this pictures shows clearly that my print was 25mm for X & Y, but only 21.35mm height, yet the printer considers that it travelled to 25.45mm (strange!). 

in this second picture, I used manual commands to move the Z axis to 25mm up, and then inserted my failed cube on the 25mm side to show my point, and as you can see, I get 25mm. SO WHY DOES THE ISSUE ONLY HAPPEN WHEN I PRINT?????

Below are my parameters for the Prusa Slicer, if you see something wrong? (or if you need more print screens..)

For information, I use 0.4 nozzle, 3mm filament, my print bed dimensions are 155cm (l) x 175 (L) x 130 (H)
Buda Style extruder V1.2, Thread rods 5mm, Smooth rods 8mm, X axis pulley teeth count = 20 (see prusa calculator picture for more info about pulleys, belts and steps/mm)


The person who will help me solve the problem will get a free gift! A homemade (by me), organic vegan & cold process soap, which I will send at the postal address of your choice, within Europe) 😘 

Ce message a été modifié il y a 5 years 2 fois par charlyne.vang
Publié : 19/05/2020 9:08 am
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