Prusa Mini to equip with camera and Web console to pause/stop print?
Hi Folks,
while having my first 3D printer from Prusa, I'd like to propose a feature.
Print jobs sometimes took ages and having a remote visibility of what's going on and being able to pause/stop the job remotely via printers webpage would be simply great. Is this feature in development? Raspberry Pi camera is a cheap stuff and hopefully can be integrated in future Mini mainboard -
Best Answer by SamueL:
currently i do not think that this feature exist and will exist. Simply use octoprint. Raspberry pi zero W is cheap.And you can add AI. like Spaghetti detective that watches your print and pauses it when it´s failing. I have 3D printer farm with octoprint and octofarm and it works great!
RE: Prusa Mini to equip with camera and Web console to pause/stop print?
currently i do not think that this feature exist and will exist. Simply use octoprint. Raspberry pi zero W is cheap.And you can add AI. like Spaghetti detective that watches your print and pauses it when it´s failing. I have 3D printer farm with octoprint and octofarm and it works great!
RE: Prusa Mini to equip with camera and Web console to pause/stop print?
Jestli potřebuješ tiskárnu dálkově zastavit, zapoj ji přes dálkově (přes internet) ovládanou zásuvku. Přeruš na cca 5 s napájení. Tiskárna se zresetuje a ochlazuje trysku, po cca 10 minutách ji odpoj trvale.
Pokud například musíš odjet z práce a sleduješ tiskárnu webovou kameru, pak je to řešení.
Nejsem zamÄstnancem Prusa Research.
RE: Prusa Mini to equip with camera and Web console to pause/stop print?
Thanks Samuel - I will give a try. Thanks for the hint. But wouldn't be nice to have at least possibility to pause print with webinterface of printer (well, at least).
@kalimero - I have remotely driven PSU already, but powering off printer during the print might harm the printer (I guess). Thanks a lot anyway.
RE: Prusa Mini to equip with camera and Web console to pause/stop print?
Předpokládám vypnutí po fatálním selhání tisku, kdy se pokazit už nic nedá, naopak. Je však potřeba hned tiskárnu zas zapnout, aby ventilátorek ochladil hotend a teplota nenastoupala nahoru.
Nejsem zamÄstnancem Prusa Research.
RE: Prusa Mini to equip with camera and Web console to pause/stop print?
Diky za radu. Zkusim ten octoprint. Uz jsem si dal dokupy Raspi a kameru, tak jen najit cas.