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[Solved] New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect  

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Active Member
New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect

The online instructions do not match the form at When I go to add the printer there is a code field, I don't know what to enter in that field.

On the printer when I go to add a printer to Prusa Connect, I get an error stating that there is an error "Registration failed. Likely a network error. Tray again later." I do have network, I have tried wireless and ethernet  (unless there is a port issue but I don't see anywhere that says I need to open a port). I am connected to Prusalink so I know I have an internet connection.



Best Answer by bomtarnes:

Reply from Homza: I am at work and have not had a chance to try yet…


Following up on the chat on Tuesday, our devs managed to find the issue and solution as well. The problem is that the printed probably had older firmware originally, and with the newer version it did not change the server info about Connect. It does not know what server and port it should connect to. One solution is to do a factory reset on the latest firmware, which will write the correct information to the printer settings. Another, more manual solution, to avoid the factory reset, is to create a file prusa_printer_settings.ini  insert the following code in it, and then load it to the printer in menu settings -> system -> load settings from file. [service::connect]hostname = buddy-a.connect.prusa3d.comtls = Trueport = 443

Posted : 10/07/2023 1:44 pm
Tojik liked
Active Member
RE: New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect

I am getting the same error, "Registration failed. Likely a network error. Try again later." running the v4.7.0 firmware.

Posted : 10/07/2023 6:35 pm
Trusted Member
RE: New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect

Have you tried the API key that you should be able to find in the printers menu?

Printer: Original Prusa Mini+
Nozzles: E3D 0.25, E3D Nozzle X 0.4 , E3D 0.4, Bondtech 0.6 CHL
Printables: Tysonsw

Posted : 11/07/2023 12:18 pm
Active Member
RE: New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect

Having same issue, there doesn't appear to be an API key in the prusaconnect menu

Posted : 11/07/2023 12:23 pm
Active Member
RE: New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect

Ran out of edit time. The livechat team went through ruling out connection issues- I tried wifi, ethernet and hotspot, all with the same issues.

Homza, the staff member I spoke with on the second occasion was able to connect their demo XL instantly. I still am not able to. Running 4.7.0 firmware.

Posted : 11/07/2023 12:38 pm
Active Member
RE: New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect

I reverted the firmware to 4.6.1 and was able to get the registration code immediately.  I then upgraded back to 4.7.0 and it failed as before.  I made no changes to my DHCP server or router.  On the surface, this appears to be a regression in 4.7.0.  I was planning on filing a bug in the Github project today.

Posted : 11/07/2023 1:38 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect

I'm running 4.7 on my XL with no issues, so it must be some combination of fw version and something else.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 12/07/2023 12:29 am
Active Member
RE: New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect

That's an interesting observation.

I broke out Wireshark tonight and used port mirroring on my core switch to observe traffic from the XL.  While I was able to capture the DHCP handshaking, an NTP time sync operation, and a number of packets when I browse the local Prusa Link page, I do not see any packets when I choose the "Add Printer to Connect" menu item.  I was surprised by this, as I expected to at least see some packets transmitted.

This seems to suggest the "something else" is not network related, but related to differences that can very across XLs.  One thing I noticed comparing the 4.6.1 and 4.7.0 firmware is that the Prusa Connect code was significantly modified, and in particularly, the APIs they use to fetch EEPROM data to initialize the Prusa Connect driver looks like it is new.

Posted : 12/07/2023 2:33 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect

Does anyone know if I need to do any port forwarding on my router? I'm wondering if that is the case. 

Posted : 12/07/2023 5:42 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect

I didn't have to do any.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 12/07/2023 5:43 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect

I was on chat with Prusa for another issue earlier, and I asked... their response was: Yes, you need to open ports on your router. But then they closed the chat.

Posted : 12/07/2023 5:44 pm
Active Member
RE: New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect

Reply from Homza: I am at work and have not had a chance to try yet…


Following up on the chat on Tuesday, our devs managed to find the issue and solution as well. The problem is that the printed probably had older firmware originally, and with the newer version it did not change the server info about Connect. It does not know what server and port it should connect to. One solution is to do a factory reset on the latest firmware, which will write the correct information to the printer settings. Another, more manual solution, to avoid the factory reset, is to create a file prusa_printer_settings.ini  insert the following code in it, and then load it to the printer in menu settings -> system -> load settings from file. [service::connect]hostname = buddy-a.connect.prusa3d.comtls = Trueport = 443

Posted : 13/07/2023 3:12 pm
Flynny75, Xulunix, Tojik and 1 people liked
Active Member
RE: New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect

I can confirm that using the prusa_printer_settings.ini method works.  I have now successfully added my XL to Connect!

Posted : 13/07/2023 11:03 pm
Active Member
RE: New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect

Can confirm the factory reset has allowed me to register as expected. Did not try the dummy code.

Posted : 14/07/2023 10:11 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect

I got it working with the updated settings added to the USB stick.

For clarity:


Posted : 14/07/2023 4:30 pm
Active Member

I needed the "hand made" prusa_printer_settings.ini as well for my XL, i updated it to 4.7.0 before (was sent to me with 4.6.1 on it and the first thing i did was updating the firmware).

Posted : 01/08/2023 5:05 pm
RE: New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect

This worked for me. Thanks!!

Posted : 01/08/2023 7:16 pm
Active Member
RE: New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect

I just found this thread since I was getting an error.  I'm at 4.7.2 and the above doesn't work for me :-/  Is anyone else on 4.7.2 having issues?  Interestingly enough, it initially worked when I got the printer a week ago, but then always showed offline, and now I can't add it back.

Posted : 22/09/2023 4:56 pm
Member Moderator
RE: New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect

Hi, does it not work even with no print files on the flash drive? What does the connect setting page say in the status?

Posted : 22/09/2023 6:56 pm
Active Member
RE: New XL and connecting to Prusa Connect

I'll try it with no print files, I didn't think that would matter.  I'm using the original USB stick that came with it, and it has the wifi credentials in there too.  The error is the same as others have gotten "Registration failed. Likely a network error. Try again later."

Posted : 22/09/2023 7:12 pm
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