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ESP32cam question and bug submitted  

ESP32cam question and bug submitted

is there a url for stream and snapshot that can be tapped into for those not using Prusa connect yet on the MK3s I'm using octoprint on a pi zero 2w plugged into the einsy board as it gives many useful tools and plugins. the camera works from the web ui and i can see the url it has for the last saved image but that only updates at the interval set which means potentially smaller layer times are missed nad get the last static image till it refreshes.
I noticed a familiar library which is also use with esp32 for an mjpg stream as such I wondered if they have the url for a snapshot locally and a live stream that could be used for octoprint

As for the bug, they misspelled "Authentication" , i've corrected that in the source and compiled and flash to my cam as i'm not overly well versed with hot to do edits and pull requests yet hahah so bug was submitted

This topic was modified před 5 months by CyBerJak
Napsal : 10/05/2024 9:56 pm
New Member
RE: ESP32cam question and bug submitted

Give a try to my version of the ESP32-CAM code, it has '/capture' and '/stream' local links ..


Napsal : 16/05/2024 5:42 pm