Change WiFi
ok so this may be a silly thing to ask but how do I change the wifi on my purse connect installation? I've moved house and now have different wifi. Do I have to start again or can I change a file on the sd card?
RE: Change WiFi
Hi, sorry we do not have any easier wifi setup interface at the moment, you'll have to use the usual raspberry pi ones. This is just a short summary of steps to do, if you want more detail just google raspi wifi setup, or ask if you get stuck.
Put a new wpa_supplicant.conf file onto the portion of the SD card visible under windows/mac. The file should look something like this
country=US update_config=1 network={ ssid="HOME1" psk="HOME1_PASS" }
Then put the SD back and turn on the pi, it should connect to your new wifi.
Thanks for trying out PrusaLink and sorry for the late reply.
I tried too and failed.
From MacOS terminal I cd'd to the filesystem for the prusalink.
vi wpa_supplicant.conf
paste text from answer
same the text file and eject the micrsd
install in prusalink and reboot everything. ---> NO IP
RE: Change WiFi
Your post does not mention changing any details in the file, but I assume you did.
Anyway, there is another problem, if you did not set your wifi up when flashing, it could be blocked by default. I've also seen this trick refuse to replace an existing file. The most reliable way would be to flash again through the rpi imager and set the wifi up there.
RE: Change WiFi
Thank you Tojik. I'll give that a try
RE: Change WiFi
Can we have an example to setup multiple predefined WIFI SSID's?
Example: I take my printer home when on vacation, however I keep it mostly at work, I'd like to setup 3 SSID's preconfigured and Prusalink should connect first one available.
RE: Change WiFi
Hi, what printer are you using. There is a way to do this on the raspberry Pi but I am not aware of the MK4 having that functionality.
The way to do it on a raspberry pi involves putting multiple entries into a wpa_supplicant.conf file and putting that file either in /etc/wpa_supplicant/ or on the sd partition that shows up, when you mount the SD card in windows. It should get copied over on the next boot.
Following these instructions helped me change my Wi-Fi network Using Notepad++ and setting the formatting in step 2 of the tutorial is probably what led to the success.