Printing with IS is worse than without (Ringing)
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Printing with IS is worse than without (Ringing)  

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RE: Printing with IS is worse than without (Ringing)

Are the vertical lines are only on one axis or on both?
Had the same problem on the Y axis - swapping the pulleys from X to Y and vice versa - also the belt / vertical lines are switched from Y to X axis. It was a faulty pulley.




Opublikowany : 05/12/2023 3:13 pm
Simon Tratter
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printing with IS is worse than without (Ringing)

In my  case the vertical lines are more visible on the X-Axis than on the Y-Axis. I also think IS does not create these vertical lines. I already did a thest with various speeds, but the result is the same. Except if I print so fast that the PETG is matt in the end, then the vertical lines are less visible. Maybe putting on new pulleys helps, but that the artefacts are on both axis should be rare then.
I also tried different belt tensions but this had no effect either.

Opublikowany : 05/12/2023 3:42 pm
Illustrious Member
Posted by: @artur5

  I suspect that these problems ( and those of many other MK4 users ) are the logical consequence of Prusa’s absurd I.S. implementation. Instead of installing accelerometers on the machine, allowing the user to perform a custom calibration for their specific setup, they decided to ship the printers with a generic profile “one-size-fits-them-all”.

That IS. solution is what we’d expect from a cheapo no-name Chinese printer, but Prusa should be ashamed for doing that. To put it simply, they’re taking the customers for a ride.  In the best of cases, a generic profile is a wild shot. Depending on how much the resonances of a specific MK4 unit matches the generic profile, the quality of the print will range from quite good to bad, even worse than without IS (as in this case).

Don’t listen to what Prusa or Prusa fanboys say, the resonances of the printer change noticeably, considering the vastly different kind of benches where we may install the machine, the type of floor under the bench, the dampening material, the use or not of an enclosure, the spool management, tension of the belts, torque of the screws, etc. etc..   No way a generic profile will work well for all printers. 

Take for instance a computer’s monitor. Even models using the same panel  require the use of a colorimeter to generate a custom profile, if we want accurate color. Ditto for PID calibration on 3D printers. It’s essential for a good control of the hotend and bed temperatures.

I agree with them. The resonances of each device are unique and must be individually adjusted with one (or more) accelerometers. I work with Klipper and Duet DWC and have found that every small change to the hardware, after remeasuring the resonance of the individual axes, produces different frequency results, which then have to be adopted by the firmware.



Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Opublikowany : 05/12/2023 3:46 pm
Active Member
RE: Printing with IS is worse than without (Ringing)

Druck mit Prusa (glänzendes) Petg, Mk 4 mit IS

Mit IS: Ich habe das Problem gehabt,  dass gerade Wände vertikal in y Richtung wellig waren. Eine Erhöhung der Perimeter um 1 führte dazu , dass die Wände jetzt glatt waren,  jedoch matt.
Gebogene Wände waren  weiterhin extrem unsauber.

ohne IS: Geringere Geschwindigkeit: jetzt Wände ohne Wellen und gebogene Wände einwandfrei. So wie ich es von meinem MK 3 s+ kenne, der in jeder Hinsicht in 2 1/2 Jahren  mit den Grundeinstellungen einwandfreie Qualität lieferte!!!

Der MK 4 mit IS ist sofern eine Enttäuschung in Hinblick auf die erwartete höhere Druckgeschwindigkeit mit IS für mich. Mir scheint, dass die Grundabstimmung mit IS  noch nicht optimal ist. Vielleicht kommt demnächst  eine verbesserte Version Mk4s+ mit integrierter Frequenzmessung und alle Probleme mit IS sind beseitigt.

Frage mich, ob der MK 4s da besser ist. Oder muss man immer einige Jahre warten, bis die Geräte in jeder Hinsicht top sind.

Der Support war mangelhaft, obwohl ich Photos mit konkreten Fragen geschickt hatte, bekam ich eine vorgefertigte Antwort mit allgemeinen Links, ohne auf meine Punkte einzugehen. So ein Support ist geschenkt, habe bessere Erfahrungen vor 1 bis 2 Jahren gemacht.

chatgtp war da hilfreicher!!!

Gruss Peter 

P.S Ein Bambulab A1 Mini eines Freundes lieferte auf Anhieb schnellere und bessere Ergebnisse. Da waren wir baff.


Opublikowany : 18/09/2024 4:53 pm
Simon Tratter polubić
Simon Tratter
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printing with IS is worse than without (Ringing)

That was the reason, along with the z-seam gap issue, to sell my Mk4 in December and buy a Bambu P1S instead. The Bambu prints perfectly ever since. Support was better back then, because now the problems become more and more complex (probably because software is now more complex than before)

Opublikowany : 18/09/2024 6:06 pm
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