[Poll] Do you have layer shifts when printing multiple PETG objects?
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Do you have layer shifts when printing multiple PETG objects? Poll is created on Nov 15, 2023


[Poll] Do you have layer shifts when printing multiple PETG objects?  

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[Poll] Do you have layer shifts when printing multiple PETG objects?

I'm running out of ideas on how to fix this but I've seen enough other people having this exact same issue after upgrading to IS that I feel like it's an issue with the software.   Typically the layer shifts will be in the exact same location print after print and it happens very often with multiple objects and maybe 30% of the time with single objects.  I print with PETG a lot and would love to be able to depend on it again.

Thanks so much for your time and help.


Napsal : 15/11/2023 7:05 pm
Eminent Member
RE: [Poll] Do you have layer shifts when printing multiple PETG objects?

I also suspect it has something to do with IS.  I have witness the extruder pausing in one location for a least 10 seconds and I have reason to believe this has something to do with the layer shifting I'm seeing.

Napsal : 01/01/2024 7:34 pm
Estimable Member
RE: [Poll] Do you have layer shifts when printing multiple PETG objects?

My last night print fell miserably (on MK4), again shifted layers, (and i need to remove blob...) i saw it already on MINI, but more often in MK4... (maybe two,three  times in one week)
One thing i observed (on MINI) that this happen after multiple successful prints, and when the printer is running for a couple of days. So to mitigate i do now switch off every few printed plates... This works better than rebooting the unit, i couldn't find any other solution. Printer is new, and printing well... But with 5.1.2 FW and 2.7.1 slicer.
Besides I even managed to record the failing process, still in a bit different situation (with less objects) and seems that while PETG can warp a little on the top layer, head when moving between objects (not printing, just changing position for the next one) can hit strongly (accelerations are quite high) little part of plastic, and then the printer loosing coordinates, and continuing do print in the wrong XY range.
Another thing is that on MK4 heatbed is much colder in the corners, i can compare with MINI plate where the heat is distributed more even around. I checked with a pyrometer and a thermal imaging camera, and the difference can be even 15-20 C degrees, but i saw also detaching objects from the center on MK4, (PETG on TXT sheet) so no clue. Anyway i have to offset Z -0.035 without that i cannot print at all on TXT. Maybe someone will have some inspiration for debugging 😉

Napsal : 04/01/2024 8:37 am
Eminent Member

I also notice "globbing" most of the time when this happens.  And most of the time it happens with stringing/pore adhesion with the support material.  I've been using 5.1.2 on the SPEED setting.  I'm going to try switching to structure  on my next prints and see if this makes a difference.  I never had these issue before IS, so I suspect it may be the excess speed that is playing a part in this.  I'm still puzzled by the fact that I've seen the extruder pause (for like 10s) during a print, which would give plenty of time to start a glob.

This post was modified před 9 months by MSG56
Napsal : 04/01/2024 12:01 pm
Estimable Member
RE: [Poll] Do you have layer shifts when printing multiple PETG objects?

Yes, here is the same, this stuff called globbing, and on some piece i can sometimes find some bigger ball of filament in place... And you know i have now idea, that maybe it's because of binary gcode i use.  Let me explain... Some days ago i discovered that performance of the printer networking depends from ESP01s module, i wrote some other topic here in the forum. While i replaced the module in two printers they started to download files faster. But, with old one i noticed once, that while i was transferring bgcode file to the printer, while printing it stopped for a while (head i place) until transfer finished.. but also print failed that time. Besides on other occasion, and everytime i have it (and few people reported it too) that most of the time _multiple_ objects are in plane, it failed... So... In the last week once i had this issue on mini with 52 objects on plate, and once on MK4 with 80, same model, some petg brick connector. But... The binary file for that is quite big, and this issue happen only after some time, i mean i have 50 objects, and only after 1cm of print something fishy is going on... So maybe just printer is freezing during bgcode decoding? Especially that handling USB memory is also another story... But maybe someone who knows more about it can confirm? Still, this can be probably tested and mitigated with using ASCII gcode like it was before, i think i will give it a try. 

Because i can see two issues in my printers, one is mechanical that head is hitting with high acceleration part of warp material.

But the second case is really random shift in layers, even i don't see anything wrong with layers, so that cause can happen because of that. Printer while decoding big file is stopping for a while, and it's enough time to form "little square of filament" which later drag around the plate messing all other objects. At least i can see something like that here. And all the time it happen in my case when i'm printing multiple (tens of) little objects. So could be that some buffer is overflowing, or there is a glitch while reading bgcode from usb stick... Anyway interesting, i will try to check it.

Napsal : 04/01/2024 1:11 pm
Eminent Member
RE: [Poll] Do you have layer shifts when printing multiple PETG objects?

I my case, I typically only print from a thumb drive, so no issues with downloading causing a pause.  I'm still scratching my head over this.  I'm thinking about recording some continuous video (the file would be huge) to try to catch one of these layer shifts as it happens.  I would have to figure out how to do that.  Maybe record in multiple files to keep them to a maximum size.  Not sure how I would do that.

Napsal : 04/01/2024 1:19 pm
Estimable Member
RE: [Poll] Do you have layer shifts when printing multiple PETG objects?

Just in case i meant local network, transfer from prusa link to usb, i'm not using cloud service... I managed to record warping, and layer shift because of that.

Napsal : 04/01/2024 1:40 pm
Estimable Member
RE: [Poll] Do you have layer shifts when printing multiple PETG objects?

actually i'm just sending files from prusa slicer, sorry for confusion i don't even use prusa link...

Napsal : 04/01/2024 1:43 pm
Active Member
RE: [Poll] Do you have layer shifts when printing multiple PETG objects?

Same here. I tried to print the prusa enclosure hinged lid parts with all parts arranged on the mk4 bed and at some point during the print this happened:


Napsal : 04/01/2024 2:57 pm
Estimable Member

it's the same, i just stopped quickly... (MINI+)


i'm not sure if the video will be visible in the post, but on 1:40 you can hear loud hit, after which layers will change position...


Napsal : 04/01/2024 4:20 pm
Eminent Member
RE: [Poll] Do you have layer shifts when printing multiple PETG objects?

same layershifts here, since FW 5.0.1, and now with the new FW it is going worse. I downgraded the FW to 5.0 and everything works fine again.

Prusa did not made their job carefully with the tests....

Napsal : 04/01/2024 4:32 pm
Denis Ferrari se líbí
Eminent Member
RE: [Poll] Do you have layer shifts when printing multiple PETG objects?

Great video!  Thanks for sharing.

Napsal : 04/01/2024 6:08 pm
Active Member

I have a lot, nearly every single Print has some kind of layershift. Some in X, some in Y direction.
Sometimes in the first layers, sometimes, the last 2 layers, sometimes multiple layershifts throughout the whole print.
Some only a few mm, some up to 5cm.

first using fw 5.0.1, now 5.1.3 ans Prusa Slicer 2.7.1

First i uploadet the gcode via Prusalink, the last prints i pluged the usb stick into my conputer und transfered the gcode manually to the printer.


This is absolute not usable. so many failed prints...


This post was modified před 8 months by Wade
Napsal : 07/02/2024 11:05 am
Denis Ferrari se líbí
Active Member
RE: [Poll] Do you have layer shifts when printing multiple PETG objects?

Multiple Layer Shifts in one print

Layershift of 5cm near the end of the print. You can see on the middle piece on the right the last layers from the botten right piece. The rest was spagetti because it tries to print in the air.

Layer Shift on the last 2 Layers

Layershift after the first 3 Layers.



Napsal : 07/02/2024 11:16 am
Honorable Member
RE: [Poll] Do you have layer shifts when printing multiple PETG objects?

Printing large objects like this and in such quantities is a recipe for disaster. Print them one at a time, there will be less chance of the nozzle hitting an object, and if something does happen, you won't lose other objects and a lot of filament.  In this case, time is certainly cheaper than filament.

Napsal : 07/02/2024 8:13 pm
Active Member
RE: [Poll] Do you have layer shifts when printing multiple PETG objects?

i have been printing the same parts hundrets of times the last several years on my mk3s without any major problems. iam now going to try without input shaper. but thats a shame if its really the problem. One of the best features of the mk4s and i cant use it...

Napsal : 08/02/2024 1:56 pm
Estimable Member

@wade i recently did some tests, and found some workaround, (besides of that the heat bed in my printer is too cold, so i have to set 100 to have (+/-5) 85). After some test prints i found where the nozzle is hitting the material, in one particular print so just layer before i set M220 S80, and continued like that until end of the print (in one of them 50% height, but less material so in total instead of 6h print in 100% speed i have some 6:40 with mixed speed), then in the end you need to set again M220 S100, or just after the print reset the printer. So far so good, i printed few times full plate like always with PETG, i can hear the hit of nozzle, but slower, so it not trigger the homing, and layers are in place. In the slicer you can right click and add custom gcode in the vertical ruler, in the place where left click is setting up the color change.

Napsal : 08/02/2024 9:03 pm
Denis Ferrari
Eminent Member
RE: [Poll] Do you have layer shifts when printing multiple PETG objects?

SAme here but with one particular 3mf project and every time at Z different height.

Tried to reslice, no good. Same shift and ramd hight.

No problems with other parts printing. 


Napsal : 13/02/2024 10:49 pm
Jaroslav VAlouch
New Member

Same problem. Two times I repeated printing from the same .gcode and layer shifts was in the diferent layer (printing object doesn't move, on printer plate). Next time I change Printer profile fro MK4 Input Shaper to MK4, and result is excelent. (MK4, Firmware5.1.3+13503) .

This post was modified před 7 months by Jaroslav VAlouch
Napsal : 14/03/2024 10:08 am
Estimable Member
RE: [Poll] Do you have layer shifts when printing multiple PETG objects?

few weeks ago there was an update for the slicer configuration 1.11 or 1.12 not sure at the moment, and this added the different value for the Z-hop, which reduced that issue while printing with PETG

Napsal : 14/03/2024 12:35 pm
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