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Input Shaper & Suspension  

Eminent Member
Input Shaper & Suspension

Hi All,

Can't see another topic specifically along these lines so...

I'm running the IS Alpha firmware (and have been for a couple of weeks with no issues.) I recently printed out some squash ball based suspension, which has drastically reduced the vibration/noise when printing.

However, I wondered how the two might interact? Would the change in vibration impact the IS capability?

This is my first ever printer, and I've only had it up and running a few weeks since the kit was delivered - I was wondering if it would benefit from being fixed to something heavy/solid to reduce movement but don't know.

Any thoughts?

Opublikowany : 27/07/2023 8:07 pm
Gummibjorn polubić
Honorable Member
RE: Input Shaper & Suspension

I raised a similar question in another thread but didnt get any response. I read an article a little while back (cant find it now) that having the printer on a wobbly table can actually help prints and make the unit quieter at the same time. By 'wobbly' I don't mean a table with different sized legs! I mean something like a light table - like the Ikea Lack tables used for self build enclosures - standing on a soft surface, like carpet. This results in a slightly softer overall surface for the printer with some 'wobble', in comparison to a solid heavy table on a concrete surface for instance. Apparently this helped achieve slightly cleaner prints etc. I guess it's a similar concept with the squash balls feet etc, as you are providing the printer with some added dampening movement. 

Again, like you, I'm not sure how this would impact, or whether it would have any impact, with Input Shaper. 

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Opublikowany : 28/07/2023 9:11 am
wizbongre polubić
Walter Layher
Prominent Member
RE: Input Shaper & Suspension

I have used a squash ball mod on my MK4 for some time now. I have not (yet) done any test prints with and without the squash ball feet for comparison, but for my purposes it works quite well. I don't print with IS only, so the noise reduction alone is worth it for me.

Opublikowany : 28/07/2023 9:23 am
wizbongre polubić
Reputable Member
RE: Input Shaper & Suspension

You can print the test prints from my thread, once with your mod and without to see if they differ. There you can see whether the resonances change.

And so that we also have something of it,  share your experience in the thread.

And so that we also have something of it, you share your experience in the thread.

That's what the thread there is. Experiences gain such as the resonances on different MK4 or with mods.

Opublikowany : 28/07/2023 1:02 pm
Walter Layher
Prominent Member
RE: Input Shaper & Suspension

Currently this has not such a big priority for me. I was content with the results printing with IS on the squash feet for the most part. First I want to get the temperature issues inside the enclosure under control. Then perhaps I will have a look at the difference in ringing patterns and such ... 🙂

Opublikowany : 28/07/2023 1:15 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Input Shaper & Suspension

With my contribution I actually meant more the thread starter 😉 

Opublikowany : 28/07/2023 1:20 pm
wizbongre polubić
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Input Shaper & Suspension

Thanks for that - will see how I get on and report back...

Opublikowany : 29/07/2023 12:59 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Input Shaper & Suspension

Had some time away so just coming back to this...

Here's the output of my first test print:

This was with the last IS Beta firmware (before upgrading to the RC version) and it was printed using squash ball feet comprised of TPU95 and PETG.

It looks really good to my amatuer eye. Plan to do more test prints in stages: 1) removing just the squash balls; 2) removing the TPU & PETG feet and switching back to std. Prusa rubber feet. I'll then do the same with non-IS firmware and print settings to compare.

Opublikowany : 14/08/2023 10:56 am
Reputable Member
RE: Input Shaper & Suspension

It is best not to do the test with Galaxy Black. This forgives many errors in printing.

Preferably grey, not white or black, preferably glossy. .

Opublikowany : 14/08/2023 1:52 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Input Shaper & Suspension

Thanks for that - I realised after I did that first print it mightn't be the best filament choice... Will dig out some grey and see how it goes.

Opublikowany : 14/08/2023 2:23 pm
Habony Norbert
Active Member
RE: Input Shaper & Suspension

I already asked this question here:

I got a few answers to it in case it is useful information.

Opublikowany : 15/08/2023 8:37 am
wizbongre polubić
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Input Shaper & Suspension

I recall I read your thread at some point recently - thanks. The feet you used look very similar to the ones I've been using - they have made a massive difference in terms of noise, albeit the printer does now gyrate around quite a bit when printing.

Opublikowany : 15/08/2023 10:17 am