Changing Z Height is very Choppy
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Changing Z Height is very Choppy  

Active Member
Changing Z Height is very Choppy

I loaded up 5.0.0-RC and when I hold down the knob to change the z position it moves Very Choppily. Is anyone else experiencing this?

Publié : 22/08/2023 5:40 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Changing Z Height is very Choppy

Yes, I noticed this as well.  Must be "normal" for the RC firmware.   But I see it on X and Y as well as Z.  Seems like whenever the knob is turning, the motion is choppy/jerky; when knob turning stops the motion then continues smoothly to the final location.  Looks like some kind of priority (i.e., reading knob and queuing the movements has priority over the movements themselves), or maybe just something with acceleration changes due to IS.

I never used the Alpha versions, just went straight from 4.7.2 to the 5.0.0RC.  I do not remember it behaving this way on 4.7.2 or earlier firmware versions.

Publié : 22/08/2023 9:16 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Changing Z Height is very Choppy

In case of holding the knob for the shortcut control of the Z axis, the choppy motion doesn't stop when letting go of the knob. It continues in a choppy fashion even when the knob is no longer turning. This doesn't happen when moving the axis via the control menu, only via the shortcut.

Posted by: @scottw

Yes, I noticed this as well.  Must be "normal" for the RC firmware.   But I see it on X and Y as well as Z.  Seems like whenever the knob is turning, the motion is choppy/jerky; when knob turning stops the motion then continues smoothly to the final location.  Looks like some kind of priority (i.e., reading knob and queuing the movements has priority over the movements themselves), or maybe just something with acceleration changes due to IS.

I never used the Alpha versions, just went straight from 4.7.2 to the 5.0.0RC.  I do not remember it behaving this way on 4.7.2 or earlier firmware versions.


Publié : 31/08/2023 10:49 am
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