5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4
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[Sticky] 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4  

Same Old Shane
Member Admin
5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4

Hello all; 
We are pleased to announce our latest update for our printers. Please keep in mind to choose the correct firmware for your machine from the github link please. 


  • Cancel Object (MINI)
  • Nozzle diameter in Selftest (XL)
  • Sending crash dumps to Tech support
  • New bootloader 2.3.4
  • Firmware flashing updated
  • Bug fixes

This is a stable release of the firmware 5.1.2 for MK4/MK3.9, XL and MINI/MINI+ with several improvements. It is a direct successor to 5.1.0 and is recommended for all users.

IMPORTANT FOR XL users: After this update, you need to confirm your nozzle diameter as part of the self-test. This applies to both new and already calibrated printers. For calibrated printers, navigate to Control -> Calibration & Tests -> Nozzle Diameter Confirmation.

Cancel Object (MINI/MINI+)

The previous release brought a highly requested cancel object function to the MK4 and XL. This release adds support for MINI/MINI+. During a running print, you can open the “Tune menu -> Cancel Object” and select an object that you wish to stop printing (but you can also resume it, in case you select an incorrect one). The print will continue running and any G-code commands related to the canceled object will be ignored. This is perfect for cases where you’re printing many objects at once and one of them gets loose on the build plate.

Nozzle diameter in Selftest (XL)

During the initial calibration of your XL, you can now select your nozzle diameter. The available options are 0.4 mm or 0.6 mm, and the selected diameter will be applied to all available print tools. If necessary, you can always modify the nozzle diameter later in the printer's menu.

Sending crash dumps to Tech support

In the event of a system crash, a memory dump is created. You can download this crash dump on a USB drive and send it to Prusa Research tech support for further investigation. The file may contain sensitive unencrypted information, therefore we strongly recommend sending the file directly to reports@prusa3d.com and avoiding uploading the file to any public cloud storage or sharing it on social networks.

New bootloader 2.3.4

This release updates the bootloader to version 2.3.4 for all printers (XL, MK4/MK3.9, MINI/MINI+), addressing manufacturing requirements, particularly in the initial firmware flashing stage.

Firmware flashing updated

In line with the bootloader update, the firmware has also been updated to improve the flashing procedure. The communication between the board and the flashing station is now done through UART.

Bug fixes

PrusaLink fix for Safari

A big thanks to user @pyrho, who reported an issue with logging into PrusaLink on Safari browser (issue #3287) and also managed to find the culprit. The initial valid period for the HTTP Digest Auth nonce was too short for Safari (5 seconds). Starting this release logging in on Apple devices should work without issues

Error 13604 fixed

A bug found in the firmware release 5.1.0 affects MINI, MK4/MK3.9, and XL printers. If a USB drive is connected during startup, the printer may keep asking for a firmware file (.bbf) and display error message #13604. This issue has been identified and fixed in the current release.

Download link;

          How to flash the firmware;

          Please report any bug here:


Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Posted : 18/12/2023 3:55 am
mhacker liked
Trusted Member
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4

The bug report link should be https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware-Buddy/issues instead, I think?

Posted : 18/12/2023 8:08 am
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4

Installed it via PrusaConnect remotely yesterday and been printing with incredibly great quality since.

My first prints were very disappointing. But after switching to IS and installing the newest firmware and PrusaSlicer it works SOOO well. Feels like some internal calibration magically happened

Posted : 19/12/2023 7:26 am
Active Member
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4

My MK4 consistently crashes within the first 10 minutes of a print. Thought it was a slicer issue, but then downgraded to version 5.0 and no more crashes !!!  Im using the latest Prusa slicer (2.7.1) but Im now convinced that it is a firmware issue.

Anyone have an explanation or a fix ?



Posted : 20/12/2023 3:05 pm
Denis Ferrari
Eminent Member

With certain prints, scalijg them down little bit, print keep stopping at same exact point, that is about 96-99%...extruder remains at printing temp and nothing change forever...

Usb stick on, last Prusa Slicer version and last fw. If I scale projects up or down, problem does not appear...


This post was modified 1 year ago by Denis Ferrari
Posted : 15/01/2024 10:37 pm
Reputable Member
RE: 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4

Time to remove/update this post... 😀 

We are now to 6.0.3 😉 

Posted : 11/07/2024 11:00 pm