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Prusa XL Input Shaper - when?  

Estimable Member
Prusa XL Input Shaper - when?

I thought that when talking about the upcoming alpha Input Shaper, Prusa was basically referring to both the MK4 and XL at the same time.   Has Prusa said anything that I missed about when it might be appearing on the XL? Even as an alpha it's making a huge speed difference on my MK4 prints.

Veröffentlicht : 05/06/2023 8:03 pm
Active Member

That's a good question.  My XL shipped today (06/05/2023), I am hoping they are making the final tweaks to the IS firmware.  (still cant believe my XL will be here before my MK4 lol)

Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 2 years von ChrisK
Veröffentlicht : 05/06/2023 9:08 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa XL Input Shaper - when?

Really really hoping for a IS demo or Teaser video...

Veröffentlicht : 20/07/2023 8:04 pm
Estimable Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Prusa XL Input Shaper - when?

As I go through iteration after iteration of a 12-15 hour print...  I can really see the benefit of cutting that to 8 or so!  Slightly disconcerting that it's taking this long to release a video of it much less the firmware.

Veröffentlicht : 22/07/2023 11:33 pm
Josh Chambers
RE: Prusa XL Input Shaper - when?

Hopefully there's something this week, on the announcement June 15th they said "a couple weeks." It has been 6 weeks with no more info.

Veröffentlicht : 25/07/2023 9:05 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa XL Input Shaper - when?

One of the things they said in the latest episode of Prusa Live is that they found that the faster the print, the less time available for bonding between the layers in the print, and as such the weaker the parts. Input shipping will work on parts used for decoration only but it won't help if you need  the strength. 

Veröffentlicht : 07/08/2023 4:15 pm
Estimable Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Prusa XL Input Shaper - when?

I guess it won't help strength, but there is probably some space in between the current XL speed and an IS enhanced speed that still has adequate strength.  And I think the ability to blast out fast drafts is super useful for iterating on very large parts.  According to CNC Kitchen's BLX1 tests, we're going to want high flow nozzles as well.

Posted by: @henry-6

One of the things they said in the latest episode of Prusa Live is that they found that the faster the print, the less time available for bonding between the layers in the print, and as such the weaker the parts. Input shipping will work on parts used for decoration only but it won't help if you need  the strength. 


Veröffentlicht : 07/08/2023 4:40 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa XL Input Shaper - when?

Agreed.  It would most appreciated when I need to prototype large parts or a lot of them.

Posted by: @darksharpie

I guess it won't help strength, but there is probably some space in between the current XL speed and an IS enhanced speed that still has adequate strength.  And I think the ability to blast out fast drafts is super useful for iterating on very large parts.  According to CNC Kitchen's BLX1 tests, we're going to want high flow nozzles as well.

Posted by: @henry-6

One of the things they said in the latest episode of Prusa Live is that they found that the faster the print, the less time available for bonding between the layers in the print, and as such the weaker the parts. Input shipping will work on parts used for decoration only but it won't help if you need  the strength. 



Veröffentlicht : 07/08/2023 5:23 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa XL Input Shaper - when?

Small info, but still: In the Release notes of the new MK4 firmware (see here: they mention: "Please note that the Input Shaper for Original Prusa XL (single and multi-tool) is part of a different development branch. However, internal tests are running and a public testing release is expected soon."
So fingers crossed that that soon(TM) means soon =)

Veröffentlicht : 13/08/2023 12:43 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa XL Input Shaper - when?

I hope to get the input shaping soon on the XL. Not to print faster, but to get rid of extensive ringing. At the moment I cannot print parts that I want to sell with the XL! The parts have massive ringing/ghosting artifacts even with reduced printing speeds. The “support“ mentioned to wait for the input shaping. 
So I have to print them on my old MK3S+. This is odd. 
I currently think about to sell the XL. 


Veröffentlicht : 22/08/2023 9:56 am
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa XL Input Shaper - when?

Are you sure everything's right with your printer? I've had a few large corexy's back when they were an emerging concept (even before linear rails were a thing), and even the shoddiest ones I nailed together myself didn't have much ringing. Could be wrong belt tension, wobbly bed/printhead/belt bearing(s), or something wrong with your Z axis (such as more resistance on one of the threaded rods or a faulty motor). I'd start with the belt (, then make sure the bed is parallel to the gantry (printer off, move head manually to check for equal nozzle-to-bed distance everywhere). Auto-probing will compensate a lot there, but if you're far off it can cause all sorts of problems. 

Input shaping might of course improve your issues, but better to fix any underlying problem that might get worse. It should normally get ringing from "very little" to "almost none", not from catastrophic to acceptable.
Frankly, it feels like they just wanted you to go away.

Veröffentlicht : 22/08/2023 12:37 pm
Aquaerics gefällt das
Active Member

I also see ringing.  It is very visible on white filament.  Other than that, my printer prints perfectly.

Veröffentlicht : 22/08/2023 8:56 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa XL Input Shaper - when?

Oh my. How bad is it? Would be a dealbreaker for me, hopefully my printer gets delayed long enough that more people can post their findings. Have you printed a calibration cube and can post a foto of the ringing?

Veröffentlicht : 23/08/2023 6:48 am
Active Member
RE: Prusa XL Input Shaper - when?

Hi, sorry for replying so late.

Here you can see the ghosting artifacts I get from the XL.

I changed to a 0.4mm nozzle and printed the following test file:
I printed this with the original 0.2mm layer height QUALITY profile, but changed to vase mode.

In my opinion the artifacts are massive and not tolerable.

The same test-file with the same settings on my old MK3S+ show almost no ghosting at all.


I already spent hours with the Prusa support (belt tensioning and alignment of the X/Y axis), but could not get any improvements...


Veröffentlicht : 14/09/2023 1:30 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa XL Input Shaper - when?

Veröffentlicht : 14/09/2023 1:37 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa XL Input Shaper - when?

I just put my XL together and have done about 70hours of printing.  First, I have to rely on brim, as prints with a small footprint (that would easily stick to the bed with a little extra squish from lowering z a bit) completely detach and completely fail.  Same issue with supports that are over an ich tall.  I have had several spaghetti incidents as a result.  I too am getting a TON of ghosting on prints that do work.  Bottom line, I don't think the software/printer is quite ready for prime time.  Hopefully, subsequent firmware updates will come fast and fix it.  Until then, I have to figure out how in the hell to get rid of all the ghosting artifacts.  

Veröffentlicht : 14/09/2023 10:28 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa XL Input Shaper - when?

XL_firmware_5.1.0.bbf  available now for download.

Veröffentlicht : 24/11/2023 2:18 am
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa XL Input Shaper - when?

They did not implement accelerometer tuning for XL, but said on Facebook they are still working on it 🙂

Was a comment here (see attached screenshot, source:

Veröffentlicht : 24/11/2023 5:15 am