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Old GCodes still usable  

Active Member
Old GCodes still usable

I would be interested if the old GCODES also work after the update, or if old models have to be regenerated. Clearly, that the old GCodes would then be slower ...

Could something crash with the old codes?

Best Answer by Jamehz:

Yup, I've tried several old gcode files, and they worked great! I guess the printer works like it always has until the gcode contains the new IS codes..

This topic was modified před 1 year 2 times by stritti
Napsal : 20/09/2023 9:37 am
RE: Old GCodes still usable

Old g-codes should be compatible and the prints should look better (less resonances).

Napsal : 20/09/2023 3:47 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Old GCodes still usable

This is exactly what I was interested in. I am curious to try, but not totally sold on myself needing to print ultra fast all the time. I don't print parts for a living, so keeping the relatively trouble free nature of my mini+ and in que Mk4 is a priority.

If IS helps stock print speeds look better, I am all in. I will likely wait for the full release before updating. In the meantime, I will be watching you guys flesh this thing out.

Napsal : 21/09/2023 4:07 pm
Active Member
RE: Old GCodes still usable

Yup, I've tried several old gcode files, and they worked great! I guess the printer works like it always has until the gcode contains the new IS codes..

Napsal : 22/09/2023 3:33 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Old GCodes still usable


Posted by: @jamehz

Yup, I've tried several old gcode files, and they worked great! I guess the printer works like it always has until the gcode contains the new IS codes..

Great, thanks for your feedback. Then I will try the update of firmware this weekend too 🙂

Napsal : 22/09/2023 7:18 am
RE: Old GCodes still usable

Input shaping is always enabled, even with old g-codes. So you will have less resonance (ghosting) than before. Also new FW uses pressure advance instead of linear advance. Pressure advance works better.

Napsal : 22/09/2023 8:36 am