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Stringing and PrusaSlicer settings  

Muldee Things
Active Member
Stringing and PrusaSlicer settings

Hi everyone,

since the very first print with my Mini, I get a lot of stringing. Using the samples of Prusament PLA that comes with the printer the fenomenon is definitely present, but switching to Sunlu PETG the thing got worst. This was expected (I suppose) as PETG prints at higher temperatures.

Nevertheless I'm trying to solve the problem, but suddenly I'm stuck with doubt. Reading from the "Stringing and oozing" page on Prusa Knowledge Base, I read:

"Use the correct value for retraction. Users often increase retraction to meaningless values, so check the PrusaSlicer settings and make sure that you have the retraction set to a maximum of 2 mm. Retraction settings can be found in PrusaSlicer in Printer Settings – Extruder 1."

The problem is, in PrusaSlicer the default setting for retraction is already 3.2 mm, way over the suggested maximum. What I'm supposed to do? Keep increasing the value until I solve the stringing? Take it back to a "correct" 2 mm?

Thank you

Veröffentlicht : 17/04/2020 8:52 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Stringing and PrusaSlicer settings

The Mini uses a bowden setup instead of direct drive as on the Mk3. That documentation was probably written for the Mk3 printer. I'm not sure how much retraction you can do on the Mini. Remember that retraction, wiping, coasting (Cura) and other measures are work-arounds for stringing. The cause of stringing is often simply over-extrusion. Fix the over-extrusion and you'll fix your stringing. The easiest way to do that is to calibrate your extrusion multiplier for each filament to account for differences between your slicer settings and real-world printer and filament specs.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 17/04/2020 5:29 pm
Muldee Things und Oxygen gefällt das
Active Member

Does anybody have a good set of average settings I can start with on strining? I have a mini+ and the Prusa docs are very vague.

Thank you

Veröffentlicht : 12/08/2021 9:11 pm
J.P. Ryll
Active Member
My Way to Stringingheaven

Hey Mates,


I had the same problem in every print with my Mini (without +)
I tried to print the retraction-calibration from this page:
With every retractionsetting there was no strinig. So I knew, the problem must be at the slicer settings. (try it by your own. I recommend the feedspeed at 40mm/s)

Now I print with an retraction of 3.2mm or at prints with long gaps with an retraction of 4.5mm.
Retraction (and deretraction) speed is set to 40.
But I think the most important setting was to set the "retract amaount before wipe" to 0%.

May try to copy some of the speed settings from the page to your slicer!


Hopefully you could print without stringing now!

Greetings from Germany!J.P.

Veröffentlicht : 13/08/2021 4:52 am
Active Member
Finally “no strings attached” thanks to J.P.


thank you so much for sharing your experience.

I’ve spent several days pulling my hair, and searching the web for sulutions on heavy stringing on the Prusa Mini.

None of the other solutions floating around on reddit etc. did no do any change.

Retraction length, even when raised to 6.0mm didn’t show any less stringing, but as soon as I bumped down the retraction speed , I could not believe my eyes😉


Veröffentlicht : 14/10/2021 4:26 am
New Member
RE: Stringing and PrusaSlicer settings


Posted by: @buenso80


thank you so much for sharing your experience.

I’ve spent several days pulling my hair, and searching the web for sulutions on heavy stringing on the Prusa Mini.

None of the other solutions floating around on reddit etc. did no do any change.

Retraction length, even when raised to 6.0mm didn’t show any less stringing, but as soon as I bumped down the retraction speed , I could not believe my eyes😉


When you say you could not believe your eyes... is this because it worked for reducing stringing or because something worse happened?

Veröffentlicht : 24/12/2021 6:52 pm
ErickBB gefällt das
Active Member
RE: Stringing and PrusaSlicer settings

Based on the title of his reply I would say that he could not believe that it was fixed, the title of his post was "Finally “no strings attached” thanks to J.P."

Veröffentlicht : 06/01/2022 5:54 pm
Eminent Member

3.2mm retraction length is the default for Mini (also stated here in the blue info box:

I have almost zero stringing with PLA and i didn't change retraction settings. For PETG stringing can't be 100% avoided. When i have a stinging issue, i do this steps first:

  • Make sure your filament is dry! You can test just purging some filament out of the nozzle. The filament string should have a smooth surface and no  bubbles. Check also, if you can hear a crackling sound while the plastic is being extruded=> in this case the filament is not dry.
  • Lower temperature 
Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 3 years von Martin
Veröffentlicht : 07/01/2022 7:52 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Stringing and PrusaSlicer settings

My mini using 2.0mm retraction length and have a great results with any brands of PLA/+, PETG, Nylon, PP. I have lots of problem with 3.2mm retraction, stringing, holes in print walls, leaking when printing garden hose connector... maybe you should try 2.0mm retraction and see the difference. I attach my sample when print using prusament PLA, with same seam position in slicer, the 2.0mm retraction have a better results

Veröffentlicht : 09/01/2022 1:32 am
Eminent Member
RE: Stringing and PrusaSlicer settings


Posted by: @sandysasmita

[...]I attach my sample when print using prusament PLA, with same seam position in slicer, the 2.0mm retraction have a better results

Interesting, the seam is almost not visible on the second example. I will definitely try out this! Do you have printed this with the standard prusa feeder/extruder?

Veröffentlicht : 09/01/2022 8:13 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Stringing and PrusaSlicer settings

Yes, my mini is all standard from prusa... just give it a try, nothing to lose right? 🙂

Veröffentlicht : 09/01/2022 8:18 pm
Martin gefällt das
New Member
RE: Stringing and PrusaSlicer settings

Hey all, just wanted to jump in here as I've been battling some related issues as a relatively new user to both Prusa & the 3DP game in general. Received my Mini+ kit just over a month ago now; generally I've had plenty of success but now trying to fine tune my settings. My main focus is terrain and miniatures for gaming, and to that end I've upgraded to an E3d 0.25mm nozzle; everything else is stock. 

My recent project has been tuning my settings for ~28mm miniatures. Below are linked pictures of my results: fresh on the print bed with plenty of wispy, almost spider web-like stringing, and then after a quick brush and shot from a heat gun. After the quick cleanup I'm actually pretty happy with the end result; the models generally look acceptable and are better (less zits/blobs etc) than some similar models I printed before attempting to tune my retraction settings. I've run 12+ passes of this retraction test, adjusting retraction length & speed (independently) and my results tend to indicate that the stock settings in PrusaSlicer (3.2 mm retraction @ 80 mm/s) are pretty darn close to ideal in my situation.

I guess my question is whether the stringing is to be expected. Since the models clean up pretty decent it's not the end of the world, but the finished prints on the bed sure seem to have a lot of stringing, even though it's all pretty thin and relatively inconsequential after minimal post processing.

Veröffentlicht : 20/01/2022 5:40 am
Active Member

I had issue with stringing on my Mini, plus gaps in walls. Printing PLA from PM. In the past this prints was perfect, with standard setting. Now -disaster. Made calibration samples with changed temperatures - from 220 oC steps down 5 oC to 190 oC. At 195 oC it was fixed, surprisingly low. 

Next test - temp standard 215, reduced retraction speed - from 70 down to 10 - no effect.

Next test - dehumidified filament - 5 hours 50 oC - light improvement - comparable with temperature increasing somewhere between 5-10 oC.

One print is 4 minutes, so to test one prameter takes about an hour dancing around printer.

I don ‘t found how to put here photos on Ipad. Will do on PC.

Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 3 years von Peki
Veröffentlicht : 05/02/2022 10:55 am