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„Stairs“ on roundings  

Active Member
„Stairs“ on roundings

As you can see in the picture there are „stairs“ at the roundings of the hole. Strange enough: This happened just on  one side. On the other side (basically mirrored) it‘s not that severe.

This topic was modified 4 years ago by Harakiri
Posted : 11/03/2021 8:51 pm
Noble Member
RE: „Stairs“ on roundings

I'm not sure if this is exactly your problem but at the top and bottom of a hole the size difference for each layer is pronounced. One way around that problem is to use a height modifier that changes the layer height just for that "stepped" set of layers. Although layer height modifier will reduce the effect there is something else going on because you posted that the opposite feature was not as severe.  

Posted : 12/03/2021 1:52 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: „Stairs“ on roundings

Just wondering… OP said “basically mirrored”, not “mirrored”. Maybe there’s been another adjustment to topology, eg rotation, that made the effect less profound. But of course you should always expect “step” on rounded surfaces, the higher the layer height, the more pronounce. 


You may also try the variable layers height option in PrusaSlicer

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 12/03/2021 2:10 pm