Seems on clearance parts
Hi All, I've been building a product that involves cylinders and pieces sliding onto each other. Probably not the best description but basically, I need one piece's internal cylinder wall to fit on top of a second piece's outer cylinder. No matter what I do, the parts I need to fit together come out the worst. It'll put a ugly rough seam on the wrong side. it will leave this tower of garbage right in the middle of the cylinder (I think this is Wipe which i tried disabling but not much better). I use that seam painting tool on prusaslicer but I feel like that's a placebo feature since it does not actually change anything, in my experience.
I can post some pictures later after this print finishes. I cleaned up all my other printed prototypes. Anything you can think of that will help in this situation?
Prusa Mini+
Prusa Slicer
Fusion 360
RE: Seems on clearance parts
Pictures and the 3mf project file will definitely help. This sounds like something that should be possible.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...