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Printing Smooth Circles  

Printing Smooth Circles

Hi all,

I recently got the MINI+ and in general I have really good prints but I am not able to get perfect circles.

Are there any specific settings to improve this kind of shapes? Thanks.

Posted : 03/01/2024 4:18 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Printing Smooth Circles

What you have circled is the so-called Z seam, it's where one layer ends and the nozzle moves up, to start the next layer. On most models, the slicer does a more or less good job hiding it in a corner but on a round surface like this, there's nowhere to hide. There are several settings for seams, and based on your model and its use, one such as random may work better than others such as aligned.

There's only really two ways to get rid of them. Some models can be printed in vase mode, in which the printer can print one contiguous line. Just google for vase mode to learn more. The other one is good-old post-processing, aka sanding and polishing.

Recently, there have been a couple of suggestions for improving seams, including a proposal on Prusa's github site for a new algorithm. None of them will completely get rid of the seam but may or may cover it up better than current algorithms.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 03/01/2024 7:23 pm