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Printing Multiple Models?  

Trusted Member
Printing Multiple Models?

When printing multiple models at the same time is there a way to stop printing one of them if that print goes bad?

If you print multiple models one at a time can you skip one if it goes bad?


Best Answer by Neophyl:

Its funny you should bring this up at this moment.  You should really read the release noites for the new Prusa Slicer 2.7.0 pre release alpha https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/releases
That combined with "The support for Marlin-style cancel object feature is implemented in Original Prusa MINI, MK4 and XL printer firmware since version 5.1.0-alpha2." should allow you to cancel objects during print.

Respondido : 29/08/2023 2:34 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Printing Multiple Models?

to the best of my knowledge you cannot exclude one model, mid print, when printing from USB Stick, or SD Card, on prusa printers. 

With the Mk3 series printers using Octoprint, I believe you can add a plugin, to Octoprint, that allows you to exclude a region... which I believe would achieve the result that you are looking for. 

I don't have a mini, so I have no idea whether this would work for you, 

Here is a link to the plugin, so that you can do some research


regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 29/08/2023 3:50 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Printing Multiple Models?

Another option is sequential printing. Can print one object at a time and cancel the print if something goes wrong. But it has a few limitations.

Respondido : 03/09/2023 5:33 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printing Multiple Models?

I was hoping I was missing something in the “Tune Menu”. 🙁

Maybe Prusa will add something in the future? I’m no programmer but it doesn’t seem like it would be that hard to do. If you gave each model a number you could tell the printer to stop printing the number of the model you want to stop printing. I know, just because it sounds easy doesn’t mean it is. Like I said I’m no programmer.

Thanks for the info about Octoprint.

Sequential Printing, that’s what I meant by “If you print multiple models one at a time”. I’ve tried it but like you said it has a “few limitations”.

Respondido : 10/10/2023 3:52 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Printing Multiple Models?

They could add something, potentially, but it would not be a small change.

There is nothing in gcode identifies one model from another. A gcode file tells the printer to move the nozzle to move to a position defined by X, Y, & Z coordinates, and to move the extruder motor in and out. It has no frame of reference to say if it is working on one model or the same model. It doesn't care. It just moves and extrudes filament.

Octoprint feeds gcode to the printer line-by-line, live, during the print, from a mini computer. With extra processing power, and flexibility of programming, it's easier to make plugins that allow various features. For example, the one mentioned where it ignores gcode in a specific area. As it runs, it scans the gcode and if it says something in the coordinates you don't want to print, it skips those and feeds the printer the next line that doesn't include them. The printer could, in theory, do something similar, but it doesn't have anywhere as near of as powerful of a processor and it doesn't currently have any abilities (as far as I know) to ignore gcode during the print.

Posted by: @eds_3d_odyssey

I was hoping I was missing something in the “Tune Menu”. 🙁

Maybe Prusa will add something in the future? I’m no programmer but it doesn’t seem like it would be that hard to do. If you gave each model a number you could tell the printer to stop printing the number of the model you want to stop printing. I know, just because it sounds easy doesn’t mean it is. Like I said I’m no programmer.

Thanks for the info about Octoprint.

Sequential Printing, that’s what I meant by “If you print multiple models one at a time”. I’ve tried it but like you said it has a “few limitations”.


Respondido : 19/10/2023 6:41 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Printing Multiple Models?

The slicer can label each line of the gcode with the model ID. It’s been able to do that for ages, you just have to enable verbose gcode in the print profile settings.
Octoprint uses that info for its cancel object function. It’s not the region one already mentioned but it’s object based so exactly what you want. 
The others are correct in that such a function is not part of the printer firmware though, for all the processor reasons listed. It requires octoprint as a server. 
The 32 bit board might someday be updated to do so though but it would require a lot of work. No chance on the old 8 bit boards the mk3 uses. 

Respondido : 19/10/2023 7:08 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printing Multiple Models?

Sounds like if Prusa added something to the Tune Menu that could read the Models ID in the gcode it should work. Then we could just tell it to skip that model if something went wrong.

If it was easy to do Prusa probably would have done it a long time ago.

Respondido : 20/10/2023 1:42 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Printing Multiple Models?

Its funny you should bring this up at this moment.  You should really read the release noites for the new Prusa Slicer 2.7.0 pre release alpha https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/releases
That combined with "The support for Marlin-style cancel object feature is implemented in Original Prusa MINI, MK4 and XL printer firmware since version 5.1.0-alpha2." should allow you to cancel objects during print.

Respondido : 20/10/2023 6:50 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Printing Multiple Models?

I was just coming back here to correct my answer and say that the latest alpha firmware now has cancel object support.

Respondido : 23/10/2023 11:50 am