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PETG print just on one edge of the print faulty  

Active Member
PETG print just on one edge of the print faulty

Good evening!
I printed rear and front-plate for my prusa clone on my original Prusa Mini+. I used GEETECH PETG, 230° 85° Bed. Overall it looks ok, but I have one edge where the prints always fail (see second picture). I am not sure what to look at, what could cause this?

Napsal : 11/11/2021 7:30 pm
Honorable Member
RE: PETG print just on one edge of the print faulty

Honestly, I have no idea why that happens to you. Maybe it would help if you would give more close-up photo, so one could recognize what's going on at that plane.
Even Prusa doesn't say what number of perimeters should be used (slicer default is 2), I would print such part with 3 perimeters. How many parameters did you use? I'm not saying that this would solve your problem, though.
First I thought maybe there's cooling problem, but then the same would happen on the protrusion on opposite side. Now I wonder.. what would happen if you horizontally rotate (around Z-axis) that part by 180deg in slicer?

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Napsal : 11/11/2021 8:20 pm