Persistent Gaps Between Walls and Infill on Prusa Mini+
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Persistent Gaps Between Walls and Infill on Prusa Mini+  

Persistent Gaps Between Walls and Infill on Prusa Mini+

Hello Prusa community,

I'm reaching out to address a persistent issue I've been experiencing on one of my Prusa Mini+ printers. I am consistently noticing gaps between the walls and perimeters of my prints. This issue is specific to only one of my Mini+ printers, while the others are functioning optimally. I've been using eSUN ePLA filament across all the printers. Despite numerous troubleshooting attempts such as replacing the extruder gear and the PTFE tube, conducting multiple cold pulls, and calibrating the extruder, the issue on the affected printer persists. I've also checked the heater and thermistor wires on the problematic printer, with all values within the normal range. These efforts, however, haven't helped resolve the issue and it continues to affect the print quality on this particular machine. I would greatly appreciate any insights or suggestions from this knowledgeable community regarding additional steps I could take or potential solutions to this problem. Thank you.

Veröffentlicht : 13/06/2023 12:17 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Persistent Gaps Between Walls and Infill on Prusa Mini+

That will be caused by hardware issues.  Check all the usual things, frame squareness, belt tensions, free movement of the bearings etc.

Veröffentlicht : 13/06/2023 1:10 pm