Messy second layer on prints near corners of mini print bed.
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Messy second layer on prints near corners of mini print bed.  

New Member
Messy second layer on prints near corners of mini print bed.

Printer missing corners, just stringing instead of following first layer.[/caption]


Hello,  I am having trouble printing on the left hand extreme of my print bed. I am printing a larger print than I have previously done, and when it comes time to do the second layer it seems I am having some issues with the second layer adhering to the first layer on the left hand side of the print.

If you look at the bottom of the first picture you can see that it looks like the skirt found its way into the first layer and the second layer seemed to not be perfectly overlapping the first layer as it should be (the right hand side of the print looks fine).

In the second picture, that corner is supposed to be sharper with only a small chamfer but it looks like the subsequent layer lines are just being dragged formed a retreating chamfer that is larger and does not match the slicer. 


I have still to do an extrusion calibration on this printer, but considering it has been doing other smaller prints in the center of the bed to almost perfection I didn't feel the need just yet. From my end I will probably give it a once over to make sure everything is nice and tight. But if anyone could give me some advice on why exactly that portion of the print is seeing so much deviation I would really appreciate it.

In my mind there are so many factors it could be (extrusion multiplier, temperature, cooling, bed temps, and first layer/second layer height disparity) that I am not sure what exactly could be happening so anyone more experienced than me chiming in would be greatly appreciated. 


Thanks in advance!

Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 4 years 3 fois par afcoulthard
Publié : 14/10/2020 7:40 pm
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