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Help printing Monoprice PLA+  

New Member
Help printing Monoprice PLA+

Monoprice recently had a sale on their PLA plus for like $10 for 1kg, so I bought a couple rolls. I am running into an issue printing with it.

It will not print, it just makes the clicking noise and wont push the material out when printing. The weird thing is that it printed fine the very first time I used it, but hasn't printed right since then. Also, it will purge the material just fine before starting the print and I can keep clicking purge and it spits it on out, but once it starts printing anything, it clicks and then wont purge after that if I stop it. I assume thats because it has dug into the filament a little bit, but idk.

As for troubleshooting steps:

1. I tried 2 different monoprice rolls, one black and one silver and both had the issue 

2. I tried prusament galaxy black PLA and a polymaker Polyterra PLA and both printed just fine

3. I tried different temps from 210 to 250 and same issue

4. I tried using the needle to clear the tip of the nozzle and adjusting the idler tension screw in and out

I don't want to have to return the filament as it was a really good price ( if they even allow returns for it).

Any ideas on why this is happening and how I can fix this?  Any help would be appreciated. Let me know if there is any other information I can provide.





Posted : 10/09/2021 11:52 pm
Honorable Member

It seems you tried everything... I don't have a solution, just some thoughts...

First, every PLA should be printable at default slicer settings (210-215C). Increasing/decreasing temperature is only for fine tuning (to get best result), but not for solving extrusion issue. Adjusting tension screw can be tricky, but should be manageable with some feeling and luck.

Now, because other brands print fine, the reason is obviously on this particular filament.. What I would do (before taking hotend apart) is, I would give filament a good drying treatment. I know, is new, was sealed,... but you need to be sure! And if there's no improvement after drying, then I would check the hotend -which is also an opportunity to "renew" it (clean nozzle, change PTFE tube inside). Why taking hotend apart if it prints fine with other filaments? Well, maybe this PLA+ is just more prone to clogging and so, hotend in perfect state will solve the problem. And before all: make sure extruder gear (teeth) that push the filament, is clean.

Just sharing my thoughts

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Posted : 11/09/2021 8:33 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:

Thank you for the help. I don't have any fancy dehydrator, but I do have a dry box with silica gel pellets in the bottom. I have placed both rolls in it. It is currently 10% humidity. Hopefully after a couple days it will make a difference.

Thanks for the info on some things I can replace. I was thinking of replacing the nozzle first, but was not sure what else I may need to replace. I have had the printer for about a year now and used about 1.5kg of filament or so. Up to this point, I have not replaced anything as it had been working great.

I will update once I can figure it to print properly, but if anyone else has anymore ideas, please let me know



Posted : 11/09/2021 2:49 pm
Famed Member

God, I hate PLA+. Of all the filaments I've used, it's just the weirdest, with unpredictable results. I've given up on it. I can get pretty much the same properties from PETG, and know it will work.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 11/09/2021 8:05 pm
Honorable Member

... Of all the filaments I've used, it's just the weirdest, with unpredictable results.

-ahh.. that explains it then. Thank you for sharing your experience with this filament. I never tried PLA+ myself.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Posted : 12/09/2021 7:53 am
Re: PLA+ remark

God, I hate PLA+. Of all the filaments I've used, it's just the weirdest, with unpredictable results.

I somewhat agree though I gotta say the Inland PLA+ prints more consistently than their plain jane stuff, and don't get me started on their 'PLA lite' versions.

Posted : 24/09/2021 1:53 pm
New Member
RE: Help printing Monoprice PLA+

Have you had any luck with this? I get the exact same behavior with standard Monoprice PLA. Any other filament: no problem. Monoprice PLA: the first print went fine, now I get one or two layers before it jams.

Moisture is somewhat plausible because there was clearly something different with the outer layer of filament used in the first print. Maybe there was some superficial drying process that only hit that layer? OTOH I have some Creality PLA that prints like it was dragged through a swamp and it's nothing like this. Unfortunately I don't currently have a good way to dry filament, so I've just set this stuff aside for now...

Posted : 03/01/2022 9:19 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Help printing Monoprice PLA+

I wish I had something for you, but unfortunately, I have not been able to get this fixed. I think it may just be impurities in the filament or something like small particles causing it to jam. I tried to return it and monoprice ghosted me. I filed for return on their store and then emailed support to follow up on return after no emails or instructions and got nothing. I wont be purchasing anymore monoprice and definitely not from their website anymore.

I figured Id keep it just in case I can figure it out in the future or try another printer setup. I think I may have luck using a larger sized nozzle like a 0.6mm, but havent tried yet. I have just been printing with other stuff like polymaker with nearly no issues

Posted : 03/01/2022 10:08 pm
New Member
RE: Help printing Monoprice PLA+

Ah, ok. Thanks. They also didn't respond when I complained that they'd sent me the wrong color, although I didn't care enough to actually ask to return it.

Posted : 04/01/2022 10:31 pm
New Member
RE: Help printing Monoprice PLA+

I had the same problem initially, but I have been having consistent results across 5 different rolls and colors. I am printing on a 2.5S with a textured bed, and found that 235 degrees for the nozzle and 65 degrees for the bed works well. I adjusted the z. This had probably the biggest effect. I spent a lot of time getting it just right. All of my rolls are running well now. Every now and then, it won't stick on the first layer, and I bring the z down a little.

Posted : 26/01/2023 3:02 pm