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Build Plate Moving During PETG Prints  

Active Member
Build Plate Moving During PETG Prints

Long-time Prusa Mk2 and Mk3 user. I've printed hundreds of this same part on those printers for years. Just started trying it on my new Mini and this is what I'm getting repeatedly. Whole build plate is shifting during the print. This has happened with both smooth and textured build plates. I've been successful with Mk2 and Mk3 using the Prusa PETG settings and a variety of PETG filaments with zero problems. Cleaned both sides of build plate and base repeatedly, so the contact surface is clean.

Is it possible the print is shrinking slightly and lifting the bed off the magnetics? The part is a larger fraction of the Mini build plate than the Mk2's and Mk3's. Is the head not retracting sufficiently? Smaller parts seem to print ok. Really appreciate anyone's insights.

Opublikowany : 06/02/2022 5:14 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Build Plate Moving During PETG Prints

I've printed some large footprint prints on my Mini and haven't had this experience.

If you think the print is bending the sheet and lifting it try raising your bed temperature a few degrees. 

Have you tried sitting by it and watching it to see what happens?  It looks like it's starting around layer 3.



Prusa I3 Mk2 kit upgraded to Mk2.5s, Ender3 with many mods, Prusa Mini kit with Bondtech heat break, Prusa I3 Mk3s+ kit

Opublikowany : 06/02/2022 8:05 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Build Plate Moving During PETG Prints

I'm already at 90C, but I can try a few more C to see if it helps. I could camp out or maybe better to just put a camera on it. Right now I'm just trying random things like slight change is layer height and rotating print by 90 deg. My Mk2 and Mk3 (with MMU2) have been SO reliable with PETG, that this is just a shock to my printing confidence.

Opublikowany : 06/02/2022 8:19 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Build Plate Moving During PETG Prints

It would be a shock to me as well, I've printed some pretty large things on my mini (relative to it being a mini).  I've had extrusion problems, but never anything like what you're seeing. 

I'm wondering if a couple of binder clips on the front of the bed might be a temporary solution for you.



Prusa I3 Mk2 kit upgraded to Mk2.5s, Ender3 with many mods, Prusa Mini kit with Bondtech heat break, Prusa I3 Mk3s+ kit

Opublikowany : 06/02/2022 8:49 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Build Plate Moving During PETG Prints

I did try 4 small binder clips around the perimeter based on another thread, but you have to careful to keep away from the print head and PINDA probe. Actually had to clip after the print had started. My one attempt with clips also resulted in bed movement, which has brought me to this august group. 😉

Opublikowany : 06/02/2022 9:11 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Build Plate Moving During PETG Prints

Have you tried Swiss Clips?

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 06/02/2022 11:02 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Build Plate Moving During PETG Prints

Have you tried Swiss Clips?

I have not needed anything before now, but will consider these. Thanks.

Opublikowany : 07/02/2022 12:03 am
New Member
RE: Build Plate Moving During PETG Prints

This is exactly the issue I have had on two long prints recently.    Where could I find these Swiss clips?   Checked Amazon and didn’t see anything similar.

Opublikowany : 01/09/2022 2:06 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Richard D
Trusted Member
RE: Build Plate Moving During PETG Prints

I have had this issue a few times - with PLA as well as with PETG, but always on prints with a large footprint.  No idea what causes it - I've blamed my cats, but the nozzle somehow nudging stuff is also a suspect.

But I have never had the slightest evidence that would lead to identification of the culprit.   

Opublikowany : 08/09/2022 9:28 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Build Plate Moving During PETG Prints

on prints with a large footprint there is a tendency for the print to shrink and bow the bottom of the print, if the print is well bonded to the build plate, the bowing can lift the build plate off the outer magnets, reducing the holding force... 
I print big PLA  prints with a bed temp of 70C. which seems to help!

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 08/09/2022 1:45 pm