Z Axis will not go up
I had issue with my Mini+ few weeks ago due to filament feeding issue. Last weekend, I replace and fixed the feeding, but the new problem appeared: Z axis can't go up. I don't think it was an issue before the feeding issue.
I updated the firmware to 6.1.2 yesterday. And then ran calibration. I noticed the calibration issue with changing the height and it did not lift the X axis. I manually lift the Z and it made some noises and vibration as it will not go up. It can go down with no issue. So, I ran Z Axis Test and it failed.
I tried to use the chat with Prusa Tech support and for some reason, my chat queue were pushed 5 minutes to 25 minutes and I closed the chat - not worth waiting for.
I'm posting here to see if anyone else have experience with that issue before I decide to replace Z axis motor.
RE: Z Axis will not go up
Try moving the Z axis using the menu. Not working? Swap the cables between the X and Z axes and try moving both axes using the menu. This will determine whether the fault is in the motor or in the board.
Nejsem zaměstnancem Prusa Research.
RE: Z Axis will not go up
Try moving the Z axis using the menu. Not working?
I manually lift the Z and it made some noises and vibration as it will not go up. It can go down with no issue. So, I ran Z Axis Test and it failed.
Done with that. But I haven't try swap cable with X and I never thought of that - gonna try it tomorrow. 👍
RE: Z Axis will not go up
Okay, I swapped the cable. Z axis seems to be fine for some reason. But I do tested X axis using Z axis on menu and it looks fine.
When I swapped them back to normal, I still having issue with Z axis. I'm thinking of taking it apart and clean everything up - lube the bearings. Then I will see if it's fixed or not.
RE: Z Axis will not go up
Did you ever get any resolution to this issue? I am running into the same thing. Manual moving the Z-axis will reach about 39mm above the print bed and then it stops and makes terrible rumbling noise. I can manually rotate the screw rod by hand to raise the Z-axis all the way to the top but via the motor it wont go above that same point. Z-axis calibration also fails every single time.
I was able to finally update my mini to the latest firmware and had hopped this would resolve it but no such luck.
RE: Z Axis will not go up
Did you ever get any resolution to this issue? I am running into the same thing. Manual moving the Z-axis will reach about 39mm above the print bed and then it stops and makes terrible rumbling noise. I can manually rotate the screw rod by hand to raise the Z-axis all the way to the top but via the motor it wont go above that same point. Z-axis calibration also fails every single time.
I was able to finally update my mini to the latest firmware and had hopped this would resolve it but no such luck.
I'm sorry for late reply. Yeah, I believe I fixed it. But after I fixed it, I haven't run any print and I have been focusing on something else.
I'm not 100% sure which caused it - dirty in bearings (Z-axis) or the rods that are off alignment.
When I took apart to replace most with new printed parts and clean bearings - I noticed that I did not add screws in Mini Z bottom that supposed to hold Z rods in place. BUT, I have another Mini and I did same thing (forgot to add screws) and I had no issue with it.
Either that or cleaning the Z bearings have solved the issue...