What are you printing?
Z Banding is often created by wobbling or movement in the axis as the Z raises:
This is very subtle and might not be Z Banding. Can you show another angle.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
It seems banding appears in equal intervals... what's inside the cylinder? Can you show us 3mf file of this object?
PS: Use "Save project" in PrusaSlicer to get 3mf file. To be able to upload in this forum, zip it first.
[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]
More data...
Nothing inside the cylinder.
Unfortunately I can not share the data.
It was just printing fine and then this lines appeared.
I always use the same filament. It happend using the same coil. I use standard PLA printing parameters.
RE: banding
I can’t really telll from the photos. Understrusion and banding will do this but banding is usually more pronounced.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
I just tighted some screws on the X axis and untight and re-tight the Z Axis.
I also increase my next print by 5 degrees.
I just remember that this problem appeared 2 days ago when the temperatures started dropping below 5 Celsius in the night, (I always print with an open window)... Could this be related?
It is possible. Stranger things have happended. I would look for play in you axis also.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog