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X-axis out of bounds.  

New Member
X-axis out of bounds.

Whenever I start a print, the stepper motor fails to stop at home for the X-axis.

If you run the self-test, the X-axis will fail and try to first go beyond the home in one direction and the max in the other direction. 

And it really sounds like something will get broken...

Any ideas of what it can be?

Veröffentlicht : 04/10/2020 8:42 pm
Active Member
RE: X-axis out of bounds.

Does it do something like this ???

Veröffentlicht : 09/10/2020 6:19 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: X-axis out of bounds.
Posted by: @gustaf

Whenever I start a print, the stepper motor fails to stop at home for the X-axis.

If you run the self-test, the X-axis will fail and try to first go beyond the home in one direction and the max in the other direction. 

And it really sounds like something will get broken...

Any ideas of what it can be?

Check the linear bearings for damage, loose pulley or belt tension too low. Possibly also the screws at the hotend (fastening at the rear side) are too tight. Try to adjust them a little bit. And important - the linear bearings need lubrication!

A video would be great!

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Veröffentlicht : 09/10/2020 8:27 pm