Which company printed the Prusa Mini manual and who wrote it?
I need detailed information about the manual. I would like to know which company was responsible for printing the user manual and who is the author of this booklet.
RE: Which company printed the Prusa Mini manual and who wrote it?
It may be multiple people working on it, and Jakub just published it on their webpage. I know Mikoláš was making illustrations and graphics for it. As for who prints it... no idea, they can just come to any printing company next door and make an order.
Is there something wrong with the manual? If yes, it may be better to put a comment under specific step, they tend to watch those and add more detailed explanations or tip when it makes things easier.
RE: Which company printed the Prusa Mini manual and who wrote it?
I think it is out of order and incomplete compared to the manual for Mk3s.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Which company printed the Prusa Mini manual and who wrote it?
Out of order? Like scrambled page numbers or chapters not going one after other?
Yes the assembly manual is pretty skimp on details. I for one would appreciate full assembly guide regardless if printer ships in 3 or 3 thousand pieces. Online would suffice, no need to waste dead trees on that. I just want to know what belongs where and how it fits together. They will not put manual for replacing each part individually, plus this would be great help if something is not working properly and I need to rebuild it - or just check if it's build correctly, see hotend.
RE: Which company printed the Prusa Mini manual and who wrote it?
Yes. Missing parts and strange organization.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog