Weird extrusion issue, not sure where to begin with troubleshooting.
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Weird extrusion issue, not sure where to begin with troubleshooting.  

New Member
Weird extrusion issue, not sure where to begin with troubleshooting.

Hey all!

I have been printing fine for past two months or so, just this week I have gotten this new issue and I am not sure what is causing it or where to even begin troubleshooting.  I have disassembled and cleaned out the extruder, doesn't seem to be an issue there.  Cleaned out, cold pulled, etc.. on the hot end so I don't believe there is a clog, I can purge filament through just fine.  The first layer is printing alright but seems a little off in some areas compared to past prints.  The main issue is subsequent layers after that where I see this problem and tends to be in flat solid planes (it doesn't seem to show up in every section of the print, could it possibly be as simple as something off with the bed level impacting higher layers?)   I am in need of guidance here for my next things to check!  Standard settings for generic PETG, printing at 0.15mm but have played a bit with flow rate and speed to see if that changes anything and no improvements. 


Opublikowany : 12/05/2022 6:51 pm
Illustrious Member

have played a bit with flow rate and speed

Please reset to defaults while we diagnose the issue.

The first thing to try when a good printer looses adhesion is bed cleaning.  90% of these issues are fixed with a good scrub...

That said you first layer Z offset looks a fraction too low but go one step at a time and keep us informed.



Opublikowany : 12/05/2022 11:43 pm