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USB type A replacement
Hi all,
I have a bad USB type A port on my Mini and would like to just resolder a new one on to the board but can't find the strange socket type anywhere. Anyone know what the socket type is called (vertical 90 degree?). Or at least a pinout for that port?
Thanks so much!
Napsal : 20/06/2022 5:58 pm
RE: USB type A replacement
No idea on the USB part, but have you tried contacting Prusa support? If it's a defective board they will likely just get you a new one.
Mini+ (kit) - Revo Micro | Antler Cooling | WiFi (4.4.0RC1)
Napsal : 21/06/2022 1:25 pm
Topic starter
RE: USB type A replacement
Yeah. I actually just assumed it would not be covered due to it being "normal wear and tear" (pins bent/broke). I should ask any way. Thanks!
Napsal : 21/06/2022 1:52 pm
RE: USB type A replacement
I have this same issue currently with bent pins - did they replace it for you?
Napsal : 22/02/2024 2:28 am