Unknow Error on my Mini+
Today's printing with the new the PrusaSlicer (Version 2.7.0-rc1+win64) and the Mini+ running 5.1.0-alpha firmware printing Bone Dragon (30). Blue screened with the message "unknown error unable to show deta". Interesting to find a spelling error and for "data". Maybe an Easter Egg. Anybody else see this error and simply restarted the print all ends well?
RE: Unknow Error on my Mini+
Could also be a truncated line of Unable to show Details
RE: Unknow Error on my Mini+
Better update to latest beta, which is available since few days it solved many issues, than trying to figure out what is wrong with alpha stage...
Also today they published rc2 slicer, but at least regarding MINI+ there is nothing new.
RE: Unknow Error on my Mini+
there is final "prod" version of slicer and latest firmware with IS available
RE: Unknow Error on my Mini+
Sorry for this late reply. Updated firmware and PrusaSlicer and the prints are printing fantastic. Sadly, no pictures to share.