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Tolerance Test  

Trusted Member
Tolerance Test

I tried printing this using default template of 0.10mm detail print.
0.40mm is successful. 
It is loose and I can turn it.

0.10mm is unsuccessful.
the print is stuck, i can't turn it.
Then I tried to set Filament setting > Filament > Extrusion Multiplier > 1 change to 0.90
but still unsuccessful.

Is 0.10mm not possible for mini+?
or is there something else I can do?

Napsal : 28/10/2021 3:00 pm
Honorable Member
External perimeters

You could try enabling 'External perimeters first'. Here is a quote from the knowledge base:

External perimeters first

Perimeters will be printed from outermost to the innermost ones instead of the inverse order.

This parameter may help with dimensional accuracy since the outer perimeter is laid down first and any extra filament extruded when printing following perimeters is pressed back away from the outer wall. On the other hand, the surface may be slightly less smooth.


Napsal : 28/10/2021 3:26 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
External perimeters - failed

I have tried "External perimeters first" but 0.1mm still failed.


does anyone else has any ideas?



Napsal : 29/10/2021 11:04 am
Honorable Member

Just some thoughts about this...
First, is just a test print that will show limits that depend on printer, filament and settings. And finally, filament shrinks as printed object cools down -which can make a difference at high precision. That is, the goal of this test print is not to print every object at that high precision -it's purpose is, to show at what precision you need to be careful.
That is, if you print a hole fur nut insert, or small threaded bolt/nut, then you need to take above test results into account (when creating objects in CAD) and accordingly adapt size parameters. For example: M3 hex nut has short diameter between 5.3 and 5.5mm... but to make sure that nut will actually fit into a hole, we must slightly increase the diameter -no matter at what precision we print.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Napsal : 29/10/2021 1:44 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:


Posted by: @bogdanh

Just some thoughts about this...
First, is just a test print that will show limits that depend on printer, filament and settings. And finally, filament shrinks as printed object cools down -which can make a difference at high precision. That is, the goal of this test print is not to print every object at that high precision -it's purpose is, to show at what precision you need to be careful.
That is, if you print a hole fur nut insert, or small threaded bolt/nut, then you need to take above test results into account (when creating objects in CAD) and accordingly adapt size parameters. For example: M3 hex nut has short diameter between 5.3 and 5.5mm... but to make sure that nut will actually fit into a hole, we must slightly increase the diameter -no matter at what precision we print.

for the users submitted "print in place" models (e.g. thingiverse) and it failed due to the tolerance, do I increase the size of it so as a workaround?

Increasing the size of the model should increase the "space/gap" and thus should solve the issue.

Napsal : 30/10/2021 10:06 am
Illustrious Member

I am surprised that the layers stuck together at 0.4mm, on the other hand 0.1mm is not meant for vertically oriented print-in-place parts, it is intended for extra edge detail on decorative trinkets. This is offered as a test model for practical prints and as such should work best at 0.15mm or 0.2mm.


Napsal : 30/10/2021 11:18 am
Honorable Member

Yes, slightly increasing the size of the whole object should increase the gaps. How much increase is enough? I have no experience with "print in place" objects from web, but the answer depends on creator (it's design) and type of object. Anyway, if you need to increase the object (to make it actually usable), even you followed author's recommendations (filament type, etc), then I see that as a bad design.

When I create objects that need to fit together precisely, I always take shrinkage into account. As I mentioned in my previous post: M3 hex nut can have inner diameter between 5.32 and 5.50mm (per standard). All M3 nuts I have in inventory (incl. nylock nuts), have diameter of about 5.4mm. So, to make sure nut will fit perfectly into a pocket, I use inner diameter of 5.6mm. In that case nut sits tight inside pocket -if diameter would be slightly smaller, nut wouldn't fit in anymore. Conclusion: even I used diameter of 5.6mm, pocket in actual print had diameter of (about) 5.4mm.
To clarify: inner diameter is "smaller circle" of hexagon -size of wrench that needs to be used.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Napsal : 30/10/2021 11:37 am