Stuck on firmware 4.3.1?
Finally assembled our mini+ from 2/2022.
It appears to have 4.3.1 firmware and 1.1.0 bootloader.
I downloaded Extracted 2 BBF files. Buddy_4.4.1+4194.bbf and Buddy_update_pre_4.4_4.4.1+4194.bbf
It seems to detect and says new firmware available 4.4.1. I click flash and just pops up the same thing again saying new firmware available 4.4.1 and press button to flash.
I tried with both files and just 1 or the other. no dice. I am using the provided steel flashdrive and removed the original BBF from 2/2022.
RE: Stuck on firmware 4.3.1?
Maybe try contact support though live chat as it is just under warranty any longer and warrenty may expire
Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out
RE: Stuck on firmware 4.3.1?
Both files must be in the root of the USB stick.
RE: Stuck on firmware 4.3.1?
Well this was an easy fix. I was hitting the reset button instead of pushing in the wheel to select flash. Thank you, I will see my self out.
RE: Stuck on firmware 4.3.1?
A senior moment! 🙄
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...