Spool of 2kg Recycled PLA Won't Fit Spool Holder Despite What Support Says
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Spool of 2kg Recycled PLA Won't Fit Spool Holder Despite What Support Says  

Eminent Member
Spool of 2kg Recycled PLA Won't Fit Spool Holder Despite What Support Says


I recently got a 2kg spool of recycled PLA and before that asked whether the included spool holder for the MINI+ could accommodate that. When I emailed support through the store they said it would work since it the holder is adjustable.

Today I tried that and I can't make it fit despite loosening the screws on the holder and trying to make it fit. The spool I got is too wide with an external width of at least 121.9 mm.

What can I do?

Helpful answers are appreciated. I usually respond to Tweets directed at me.OS: Raspberry Pi OS & Windows 10. Programming Languages: Python & Java

Napsal : 22/09/2023 2:22 pm
Walter Layher
Prominent Member
RE: Spool of 2kg Recycled PLA Won't Fit Spool Holder Despite What Support Says

Either re-spool it to a spool of a smaller size or use one of the many variants of the TUSH that exist, preferably with some kind of spacer that keep them from tipping over. They work on spools of any size.

Napsal : 22/09/2023 2:31 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Spool of 2kg Recycled PLA Won't Fit Spool Holder Despite What Support Says

Would the "rails" from here fit the "base" from the included holder?:


Helpful answers are appreciated. I usually respond to Tweets directed at me.OS: Raspberry Pi OS & Windows 10. Programming Languages: Python & Java

Napsal : 22/09/2023 2:38 pm
Walter Layher
Prominent Member

Have you tried this one here? I only have experience with the TUSH and 2.5 kg spools from das.filament and that worked.
Ah, I see you found the same one, but no, I have not tested that one.

Napsal : 22/09/2023 2:42 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:

Since I already have the spool holder "base" parts that are now part of the included holder I will try to print the longer "rails" pieces of the model you linked to.

Helpful answers are appreciated. I usually respond to Tweets directed at me.OS: Raspberry Pi OS & Windows 10. Programming Languages: Python & Java

Napsal : 22/09/2023 2:44 pm