Prusa mini under extruding until reset button is pressed
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Prusa mini under extruding until reset button is pressed  

New Member
Prusa mini under extruding until reset button is pressed


I received my mini about a week a go. I have pushed the hot end up etc. I am still having a very strange issue with this printer. When i first boot it up and start a print it under extrudes (no jams, clicking and everything is fine in the hot end). When i press the restart button and then start the print again everything is perfect. This happens every time i turn the printer on, it happens printing from USB and octprint. Also with prusaslicer and cura. Any one had a similar issue or any advice? Thanks in advance!

Postato : 18/05/2020 9:38 am
New Member
RE: Prusa mini under extruding until reset button is pressed


It looks like I am facing something similar. Did you find any solution?

Postato : 14/11/2020 8:52 pm