Prusa MINI+ stops or crashes in the middle of a printing
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Prusa MINI+ stops or crashes in the middle of a printing  

New Member
Prusa MINI+ stops or crashes in the middle of a printing

Hi there,

I am having a very particular issue lately on my Prusa Mini. The printer stops midway of a printing with no apparent reason... sometimes it will just stay still (both nozzle and heatbed constantly heated) and other times the extruder will move sideways or (even worse) downwards, crushing the model. 

I've checked if this was related to any kind of crash detection or belts tensions but everything look fine. Both the extruder and heatbed thermistos report correct temperatures. I have also tried re-uploading the G-Code of the same file but Ihven't found that this solves the issue (sometmies it will still fail and some other times no). 

I attach a couple of pcitures it its of any help...

Any ideas of what could it be?

Thanks in advance!



This topic was modified 8 months ago by jasaski
Posted : 28/09/2023 8:28 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa MINI+ stops or crashes in the middle of a printing

Okay so, apparently the USb was getting too hot and corrupting the files in it, as adressed in this post:  
I didn't expect this to happen as I have been using the same provided usb with no problem until now (+1.5 years of use). Anyway, the interesting thing here is that the old files do not get corrupted, while the new ones uploaded do. 

I changed my usb and problem solved. 


Posted : 03/10/2023 7:23 am