Prusa Mini hotend fan noise
Is it supposed to be this much louder than the rest of the printer?
Is there anything I can do about it? Lubricate/replace/dampen?
RE: Prusa Mini hotend fan noise
I've realised that you can't really hear how high pitched and loud the fan is - but it's noticeably annoying when in the same room. I don't recall it being this bad before - but I have just moved it to a different room and haven't used it for a few weeks.
RE: Prusa Mini hotend fan noise
Check to see if loosening or tighening the screws lessens the noise.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Prusa Mini hotend fan noise
Check to see if loosening or tighening the screws lessens the noise.
Doesn't seem to have made any difference , but thank you for the suggestion.
RE: Prusa Mini hotend fan noise
Had a similar noise issue with print fan and eventually just replaced it. It's quiet again.
RE: Prusa Mini hotend fan noise
Sometimes fan noise is the screws being too tight.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Prusa Mini hotend fan noise
Sometimes fan noise is the screws being too tight.
Agree and tried that too but after removing an old fan it turned out that fan paddle wheel was too loose. Couldn't see any other workaround than replacing whole fan.
RE: Prusa Mini hotend fan noise
That would do it.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Prusa Mini hotend fan noise
I had a similar problem with the original Prusa fan. The fan wheel had too much backlash and partially touches the case. The fan wheel shaft rotates in a slide bearing and is secured at the back, under the sticker with a circlip and a spacer. I removed these parts and printed a bushing with diameter 4x2, 4mm long, and glued it to the shaft. Afterwards a drop of oil and the fan runs again as usual. Alternatively you can change the fan of course and hope that it runs quietly for a long time.
Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.
RE: Prusa Mini hotend fan noise
What % do you have the cooling set to? What filament are you printing? and if the printer is off, and you manually spin the fans, do they spin freely?
Shane (AKA FromPrusa)
RE: Prusa Mini hotend fan noise
What % do you have the cooling set to? What filament are you printing? and if the printer is off, and you manually spin the fans, do they spin freely?
I have never changed that setting - looks like it is "Always On" and running at 100%?
I have Auto cooling set as well, but it doesn't seem to change at all; the fan whine seems pretty consistent
RE: Prusa Mini hotend fan noise
Had a similar noise issue with print fan and eventually just replaced it. It's quiet again.
My newly delivered mini has a bad hotend fan its so noisy and high pitch squeal, Prusa are sending replacement one to me. My question is it looks simple to replace can it be done without upsetting the PINDA and hotend, can it sort of slide out and then slide new one in and then just deal with a wire harness ?
Prusa Mini+ (Ordered Dec 19,2020 - Arrived Feb 21,2021) stated clicking Mar 2nd / MP Select Mini V2
RE: Prusa Mini hotend fan noise
RE: Prusa Mini hotend fan noise
I have the same issue. Noisy fan perodically.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog